Chapter 691: Bad Luck (Troubles as soon as he lands)

After being taught the basics from Tianlong Yun and also given their own special cultivation manuals, these two were sent here to actually gain experience in dealing with other assassins.

No matter what, whether the rest of the world accepted it or not, the truth was that Ninjas were the best assassins on this planet.

They had the ability to get in and out of any place in the world while lying even their lives in order to complete their mission.

The only ones that had an opportunity to actually take that title from them were those lunatics and drug addicts of that country, but they were brainless fools trained as puppets, not real assassins.

Arriving at the airport, Tianlong Yun was accompanied by no one. As Sonia had to stay behind and help her Master with the plans concerning the Vampires and Werewolves Clan.

The moment that the twins saw their big brother, and Master they couldn't help but feel a bit emotional.