Chapter 837: Enormous Benefits & Approaching Danger

She wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, but she couldn't. She felt like this opportunity just made the mess inside her even bigger.

"Is your determination, will, and resolve so easy to break!? Is this how much you wish to reach the peak and show the whole world your worth!?

Are you going to give up on your life, goals, and dreams just because your man turned out to not belong to you only!?

Were you always this weak!? Then how do you pretend on reaching the peak!? Do you think that it will be a smooth sailing vacation trip to the peak!?

Wake up already! Wake up to the real world, and stop being such a frog at the bottom of the well!

I saw potential and great ability in you, so I gave you a chance to follow me, but right now you are making me think twice about my decision and opinion of you!