Chapter 981: Rose Likes Being Watched*


The beauty was embarrassed, startled, and pissed off by Tianlong Yun's comments on her body, and she couldn't help but want to kill and bury him there and then.


It was precisely with those thoughts in mind, that she actually didn't judge the situation properly.


Not considering the fact that she had been bested at that moment, as she made a backheel swipe towards Tianlong Yun's head, intending to remove his head from his shoulders.


It was clear that this Rose was a fiery one, one that was covered in thorns, from head to toe.


Not that it mattered or changed a thing though, as Tianlong Yun was going to have his way with her, no matter how she behaved.


In fact, seeing her act like that, it just made him even more excited of the moment that she would have no other choice but to comply.


Deflecting the backheel kick with the slightest of movement, Tianlong Yun just continued teasing her further,