The Beginnings

" What is it? Why is it here and how is it still alive?" Said a voice that sounded far away. I slowly opened my eyes to a unfamiliar room briefly and fell back into unconsciousness. Then again of what only felt for like a moment. This time with bright lights flashing in my eyes. I blinked a few times and my vision started to clear.

In what I could simply describe I was in a medical room. The door in the opposite left corner of me opened and a I guess a cyborg walks in. The reason why I said cyborg is because at this moment that all I could compare it to at the time.

"Ah, your finally awake. We was started to get worried about you." Has it started to walk towards me holding a clear tablet like object in its hand. " My name is Dr. A122. I'm programmed to check, observe, and treat your wounds. Please, what is your name, age, biology, sex, and what year do you think this is."

Still feeling weak I struggled to sit up in my bed. "Um, my name is Felix Nesser and I'm 18 years old. I guess I'm an human male and the year is 2020." I said in a low weak tone voice while being confuse with the questions.

"That's wonderful." It said with a force smile on his face . While also tapping on the tablet-like object in its hands. "Sounds like this might be easier than what I have predicted earlier." With a less worried expression on its face, I knew something was wrong.

"Well this maybe hard to accept but please listen to what I'm about to disclose to you." As I embrace myself to hear of what it's about to say. I notice another person walks into the room. A beautiful young looking woman walks in. She has shoulder length black hair with a slight curl. Wearing almost skin tight clothing with a lab coat. She was wearing glasses that fit her perfectly and wearing a silver and blue amulet like style necklace around her neck.

"Ah, so your finally awake after 2 millenniums. Got to say your definitely a rare find." She says like it was nothing. When I heard those words I started to feel sick to my stomach and my head was starting to spin. Dr A122 snaps towards her and visibly angry at her.

"As always you came in at the wrong time Alice! You couldn't wait 5 minutes so I could explain a few things to him before your brashness." The doctor says a he was almost yelling at her. Alice looked shocked as if she was caught having her hand in a cookie jar just before dinner.

"Sorry doc I thought you have already told him. Just because your my father doesn't mean you can scream at me while at work, you know." She said while pounting. She looks at me and says "sorry for coming in so soon and surprising you like that."

"It's fine" I said while looking at her beautiful smile. "So what happened? Why am I here? Where am I? Are you really her father?" I just couldn't believe what is happening.

"First off, yes she is my daughter. My adopted daughter. Again I'm Dr A122 a humanoid cyborg with a A.I. System." He said while grabbing a chair and moving close to me to seat down on. Alice leaning against the wall just behind him now looking serious. "The year is 4020 and you were found on an abandoned planet call Earth. A group of researchers found you in a early model of a cryogenic tube. According to what was able to be salvage. You were just an ordinary human that just slept and never woke up." As he was saying this the only thing I was thinking was this has to be a joke.

"Your family move your body to a research center where they kept you alive and eventually placed you in the tube. Other than that you have to ask the people who found you the rest." Alice starts to walk towards me and grabbed my hands. Looking into my eyes as if she was looking past me and into my soul. The only thing at that moment was seeing her emerald eyes that I couldn't just look away.

"So how did I woke up then?" I asked while trying to look away from Alice. At this point I was getting embarrassed. She gently let my hands go and I could tell she was blushing too.

The doctor rolled his eyes and focus on me again. "Well it turns out you had a very rare disease that made your body literally stop without aging or killing you. I mean it was like you couldn't age or grow old. From what I was told when they put you into the tube 20 years have already pasted and you still looked the same. I mean your are the only known specimen of your kind. No records exist indicating that this has happened before."

I was so dismay that I started to think that this was definitely a joke or one hell of a dream. Alice walked away from me and into the middle of the room now and says " This is not a dream by the way or a joke. Father should I show him the view?" With a slight smirk on her face. The dr let out a sigh and nods at her. She walks over the wall on the right and press a button. The wall clears and I was taken back of what I saw.

Space and I mean outer space. From what I could see is I'm on a space station or a ship. After being in awe for a minute or two Alice press the button again and the window turned into a wall again. Giving myself a few seconds to think I realize that they aren't lying or making any of this up. At least as far as I can tell at the moment.

"Now we are going to keep you here a few more days and run some tests on you during that time. My daughter Alice is also my assistant so if you need anything just let her or myself know. For now just rest and I'll see you first thing tomorrow." The Dr stands up to shake my hand and to my surprise his hands weren't cold like metal. It was warm and soft almost like it belongs to a human. He then put the chair back in its place and walks out.

Now it's just Alice and myself in the room alone. She started to check the machines that around me not saying anything. After a few minutes of awkward silence I finally speak up. "So what do you think is going to happen to me for now on?"

She pauses and says 'you will find out soon enough. But don't worry we will take care of you.' Then she resumes her checks. After another few minutes later she stops and sits on the edge of the bed with a scared expression. "Are you not scared or are you just going with the flow? The reason why because you are accepting this rather well."

"Of course I'm terrified but how can I change the situation right now." When she heard this her expression softened a bit. "I mean I can't believe this is really happening to me. I have read comics and watched plenty of movies or anime's about this. Never have I ever thought this would be real." Alice face became confuse of what I was saying.

"What are comics, movies, and anime?" She asked while looking embarrassed. On a side note I thought her embarrass face was really cute.

"Comics are picture books of fantasy or made up things. Movies is a moving picture that we could watch and anime is the same thing but it is moving drawings. These thing are use to entertain us." I thought the simplest explanation would be better. Her eyes lit up as if she was a little girl getting a new toy.

"That sounds amazing! We don't have those things here so when we are not working we are pretty bored." She then calms down again and says 'again I'm sorry about my lack of tact earlier. I really thought father explain things to you at the time."

"It's fine if anything I'm kinda glad you did. I mean there was no point on beating around the bush about it." She smiles and stood up again to finish the check.

"I'm glad you feel that way. I'm just so happy you could forgive me." As she was about to leave I had to ask her a question that has been bugging me since I started talking to her and the Dr.

"By the way, how did he adopted you anyways? How can he even be a father if he isn't human?" She stop mid stride to the door and turns towards me.

"My real parents past away when I was a child. Dr A122 was created by them and he practically raised me. The reason why he was able to was due to my mother's final wish. In our society we honor our families final wish and that's how it was." As she was speaking I could tell she was about to cry. 'Man I'm an idiot' I whisper to myself.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to be insensitive towards you." She grabbed a handkerchief out of her pocket and wiped the tears off face. She forced a smile and nods.

"It's fine you didn't know after all. You just now woken up." She turns around and walk towards the door and says 'goodnight and get some sleep we have a busy day tomorrow.'

"Goodnight" I replied as she left the room and shuts off the lights to the room. Now in total darkness I was left with only my thoughts. "Well, you really did it this time you dumbass. How in the world did you think that would turn out well? Huh, I bet now we lost any chance we had to get to know her better!" I screamed to myself. "Man to think she was really cute too." Suddenly I heard a female chuckle just outside my room.

Fully embarrassed now I lay back down into my bed and closed my eyes again. Thinking to myself I was wondering if this was a dream. I know they say it wasn't but you never know. If there was a way to go back I wish I could take it right now. As I was thinking this I had a feeling that I was being watched.

I opened my eyes again and I couldn't see anything but the faint glow of the equipment around me to monitor my vitals. After a few minutes I closed my eyes again and fell asleep. At this point there isn't much I could do. 'Let's see how this turns out.' I was thinking as I fell into a deep sleep.