Why're you even here?!

'I have no fucking idea what's going on right now!'

My mind had been blown off from this ridiculousness. Yesterday's event was far too normal than we could ever imagine and right now, all sorts of farfetched situations occurred. I mean, why do we even have zombies at each room inside a big hotel when they could've just used the remaining time, I don't know, to escape, maybe?

Apart from the last room, at the far end of the corridor, every chamber had been occupied by mere dead people, growling, if not, banging (lightly) at the door.

They couldn't handle their coordination from their hands, for being unable to open doorknobs and key card locks.

These zombies rely on their 5 senses, just like us human beings. They're capable to distinguish their kind and the non-infected individuals, which is us. Well, I suppose they're like human beings and even animals who dislike cannibalism?

They're unable to grip, use, or analyse any complex tools or machinery, despite them being proficient in conveying words; although hoarsely, most, could explicit various sentences.

These are the couple of things that I had observed since going in and out, checking every room for zombies in these past 2 hours. They are quick, able to walk up or down the stairs (but sometimes stumble when they're rigid). These infected are unable to climb ladders and slides (based on a video I had watched years ago MWAHAHA, the power of the internet is truly bizarre). They also do not need to drink nor eat animal meats (still questionable) or vegetable crops, other than the human's host (?). As I've seen them up close, mushrooms and other plant-like figures are stretching from their corrosive skin. Have you seen the undead made from your favourite Hollywood movies, with all the make-ups and such? Add vines and shrooms over their head and you'll visualise my perspective. Every time I see one of those, I would want to crawl back from my womb and ask my mum herself to disown me from this cruel world.

Kidding aside, Pura without make-up is even worse from these stereotype zombie-freaks.

Despite being able to check all of the 16 doors, I felt a little bit of writhe down my spine. It spelled the word "doom" popping out of our shrine (grave), as the upper floors have been left untouched.

'Maybe it wasn't that important to check all of these rooms, right?' I ponder, hoping that I made the best call; after all, two hours had greatly passed by and still my life had been pretty much uneventful despite living in this horrifying domain.

As I took my step back at the stairs, a scream coming from above rang my eardrums. It was loud enough to attract the zombies crawling (?) from the precedent stairs.

I went back from the second floor and hid at the edge of the wall, took a glass which was resting on the ground, and slowly creep myself upwards. My hunch was correct, as I heard multiple footsteps hastily running down the stairs, towards the origin of the screech. What kind of idiot would scream inside a building or a room INFESTED WITH ZOMBIES?

Sighing from that person's foolishness, I tried what I could too, not to save anyone, I repeat, I am not going to save that stupid arse, rather, observe the situation. If I can, then…I'd rather not, believe me.

I use the mirror to reflect the scene on the third floor. By the way, I left the other pan on the second floor because I knew that I wouldn't even effectively use two pans at the same time. In all honesty, I just thought it looked cooler that way. With a shard on my left and a pan at my right, I once again was armed, ready to fight…I mean, run.

The zombies kept bashing the 24th room. Its door was decorated with a golden lion's head, 12 centimetres above the card machine holder.

'You could re-design your doors just like that? How much do you even need to rent a room, anyway?' I kept thinking of trivial things amidst all these. I should stop my absurd mind, as I tap my shoulder for a sense of security.

The person…people? Individuals! Kept screaming from his /her heart's content. Truly stupid. Truly, indeed.

Nonetheless, I wanted to do something about this horde. If I'm not careful, this problem might come and bite us back.

I saw a sauvignon blanc wine laying just across the 22nd door. It was far out of my reach and I needed to walk for about 72 centimetres towards that glass bottle.

Hear me out. My plan would be,

Getting the wine without getting caught

Run back from the stairs

Throw the wine from the first room

Lock them out

Save the guy

It was the easiest plan I've ever come up from my entire life. The problem is

What if I fucked up? A minor problem will greatly disrupt my awesome plan and that problem will cost us OUR VERY LIVES. Clicking my tongue, I began thinking…. Screw this, let's just do it.

So basically I'll crawl and…


I took a great dash towards the bottle, grabbed the wine, and headed towards back my seat. I can feel my adrenaline rushing through my veins and my mind screaming "You're a fucking idiot. You're a dimwit" yeah, I know. I kinda accepted that earlier.

Anyways, I have my wine…so, did I attracted them?

I tried peeking from the edge of the wall and guess what?


Hold your horses, Fleur, you just passed the 2nd trial before death can welcome you to the Netherlands.

I checked out the bottle and unfortunately, as it is, it was empty. Dried from its core. What an alcoholic, whoever had gulped this expensive bottle.

Putting my comments aside, I began stretching my arms, silently, at the apex of the staircase. I began practising my throws from the very beginning, even did the zombies had long appeared, I was called the master thrower from my high school years. Such confidence overflowed my mind, thus the plan had finally begun!

I open the door, stealthily, avoiding any unnecessary noise from my surroundings. With a *click* coming from the machine, my mouth widened up a smile.

Next up is throwing the bottle.

I positioned my hand and grabbed the neck of the swan-like curve or whatever it was called from the wine and gathered up the force needed to achieve my goals.

And a 1

And a 2

And a…

At the nick of time, much like from the awful coincidence scenes from any other movies, my phone from my pocket rang loudly which attracted everyone from the setting, playing a piece of famous Korean music which I just downloaded last night. It's a perfect song, I wish I could share it with everyone but, I am not given the privilege to say so.


Panicked, I placed the bottle gently on the ground and took my phone. It was Pura…IT WAS PURA who had called at this kind of time. She even messaged me earlier saying "Hey, I'm already awake. Where are you? I'll call you later, k?"

That woman…my dreadful curses didn't reach the person that I wanted to spout and ended up swallowing my words at my bottomless stomach.

Without any moments to lose, I threw my ringing phone inside the opened room and managed to escape the quick death which my brainless friend had made.

Regardless of the method, the remaining zombies followed the sound unbeknownst from the source (of who threw the phone) and were perfectly locked inside the room.

I kind of heard a growl-like "Noo" from the other side of the door, but let's just say they're all dead and I hereby pronounce you guys "rest in peace", my dear zombie friends. As the saying goes, muscles without brains are…are….uuh, you get the idea, right?

Blowing a sigh to release the last ounce of the tension, I slide my card through the machine and knocked on the front door (24th)

"Uh, hello? Pizza delivery. Pepperoni and Cheese!"

The golden lion's crest brings its utmost view, gazing for quite a long time into this masterpiece. Finally ending the trial before my eyes, I slowly opened the door with a soft creaking sound which

Irritated everyone's ear. It was horrible and I would've roared like a wandering zombie from the sound it had emitted.

The room was marvelous and clean compared to the ones I had seen. It was more of an apartment that was incomparable from the fantasy style décor all over the building. The walls are painted in spotless white, a king-sized bed sitting in the centre of the main room, and a television parallel from its view, finishing the perfect touch. It was a student's dream, simply living a life. But one thing's for sure that THAT wild bump on the platform of the bed disrupts the balance of the room. I approached the mysterious, wiggling, blanket, and uncovered the 7 mysteries of the world.

There, I found Clinton, shivering under his blanket, hugging both of his legs.

"Wait, you live here?" I ask, as we both awkwardly stared in silence from the…weird event.