I'm telling you, we're about to DIE!

For once I had thought that studying multiple languages and various strokes that are fitting for my art, from my academic courses, are the hardest things that I had ever stumbled upon during my teenage years. Who would've expected that rallying oneself down an unknown staircase, locating a peculiar van, and escaping alive has proven to be more tedious than my normal life?

We soon found ourselves walking down the limited staircase, praying to untold deities for protection and such. Fortunately for us, the emergency staircase, which leads towards the parking lot, is deserted from those freaky crawlers.

"Well, this is anticlimactic," I said, heaving a sigh.

The stairs interior lengths waa no different from the heights of the first five floors of the building. According to Clinton, the parking area composes of 5 floors, which covers 5 similar rooms from the Magique hotel, was wide enough to cater 30 automobiles per floor.

We once again hold our forts upon stumbling the first underground parking area, which was convenient for us to concede our goal.

"So, here's the real deal?" Clinton asks while spinning the silver pan from his hands.

"Yeah. So, Clint, where's this 'car' you're saying?"

We peak on the door's window, but only to find out dozens of stray zombies circling down on their fallen prey. There were piles of decaying bodies scattered everywhere from the sides of each car that was even left open from the inside by the dead passengers. It must've been unlatched due to the sudden panic of these people being chased down by ruffles and zombies combined. They were 10 cars left inside the big room. The landscape consists of 5 cars both on each side and a curve road that ushers down deeper on the second floor of the parking itself.

"T-That's my car right there! The one painted in jet black." With an ecstatic tone, he then points out a car at the far end of our site, right beside the looped road.

"Idiot, get down!" Shocked, I pulled Clinton and Pura away from the windowed door and both covered their mouths. They were struggling at first but soon trusted my decision.


A wandering zombie had been clawing off the wooden door, seemingly cautious from its surroundings. It looks straight ahead from the adjacent window, seeing nothing as I had safely pulled my friends away from its sight.

For 5 minutes, the zombie just stood there on the platform, blocking our way from the inside. It was lightly banging the door, irritated, as it seems. After those few minutes of annoyance, the wandering zombie had finally ditched the door and shifted its attention, as he marches further away from our direction

All of us were profoundly sweating from the scene, hugging each other awkwardly from the matter. We found this action a little bit unsettling, but what else can we do? As I've said, we have no additional knowledge nor being emotionally stable and capable of destroying or killing these humanoid creatures. Slaying thousands of zombies maybe a gamer's dream but not everyone will feel the same dedication once they've seen the actual image of ferocious man eating-zombies.

"Is everyone alright?" I ask as I check their reaction showing from their faces.

"Horrible," Says Pura

"Same goes here" Clinton added, whilst shivering from Pura's behind.

Peaking from the window once again, I observe 6 stray zombies from all fours of the parking lot.

"So, here's the plan. I and Clinton will head straight for the car. While you, Pura, will distract the zombies using your frying pan as a weapon."

I do believe that that was the most effective and efficient plan ever created by man-kind. It was a funny sight that Pura and Clinton had taken it seriously enough and was ready to march down towards their death. Later on, after explaining to these two friends of mine that what I've said was just an utter gag, they tied me up using our ropes, disabling my senses of mobility towards the situation, stating


I've been scolded, my dear friends, and had yet regretted my lesson. But our story must progress, thus with an apologetic response (unintentional reply), they decided to undo the ropes and listen to my thoughts once again.

"Apart from what I've said earlier, the most awesome plan, we'll be contemplating the 'least' awesome plan. Any objections?" It was my sole duty as a leader too-

"Just…tell us what we need to do" A hint of irritation was added from the comment of both Clinton and Pura towards my elaborate claim.

"Alright alright. Now, we need a diversion to attract the zombie's attention. We will need to sneak up individually, from the cover of the abandoned cars, and offer such noises from collateral directions to avoid sudden interactions. And if we are perceived out, we just need to fight for our lives and fend off with the best of our abilities" I began explaining the plan that will probably work if it was done correctly enough without a sheer of mistake.

"How should we lure them out? Using what?" Pura voices out her opinion, but apparently, I had already figured it out!

"We'll be using these!" I opened my bag and dragged the required items towards my side. These are the remaining shards, vases, and other glass made materials that could easily shatter once directed with the appropriate impact.

"I've found these babies while we're out looking for foods and other supplies. I thought that we'll be needing these bad boys out and here we are!" I said in a joyful tune. They were bewildered from the diverse amounts of glasses distributed on the floor.

"Each of us will be bringing 3 sets of glass. As you can see, we roughly have 10 pieces with us; that one excess will be executed at the start of our plan. Remember, you need to use these items accordingly. We will be needing hand signals, if possible, upon releasing our valuable decoys."

I soon explained the plan. We need to be vigilant in accomplishing our goal. We're in a tight spot right now and one little mishap will bring misfortune in our lives. Heading back now will be a cowardly escape from the realistic approach towards our progressing doom. We will either die from hunger or slain by their hands. But, little did these slowpokes knew

that we humans are the embodiment of greed from surviving on our own!


On my signal, we'll be slowly opening the door. You two will be running in opposite directions. Don't forget, we need to be scattered. We'll slowly make our way towards the van and each of us will use our decoys to coax them in, in an isolated place. "

"Got it"

After hearing their response, I steadily grabbed the handle and threw the empty wine towards my west, away from the car. The brain dead zombies soon heard the commotion and were drastically sprinting towards the origin of the sound.

"Now's our chance!" my mind screamed, as I signal my group to position themselves away from mine. I ended up crouching on an emerald car which seemed to be the newest model of the popular vans advertised on the internet nowadays. I would love to steal this one out but we had no such time upon my crooked desire. Approximately 2 metres away was the distance between me (and somehow my group) from our targeted car. Speaking of distance, how far did my mates had run off to?


*Facepalmed*, they were brutally incoherent from their advance thinking capabilities. At that length, they're nearly 5 metres away from the direction of the car, 3 metres distant towards myself. Moreover, they ran in pairs and ended up sticking together. If I died while saving you guys, I'll reanimate myself back and haunt you for life!

Fortunately, Pura had noticed my location. She was about to stand up but was caught by Clinton in the nick of time, pulling her down using the ends of her clothes.

Good thing Clinton observes our current situation perfectly. Too bad he ended up with his pair, Paula, during the matter.

I swayed my empty wine indicating them to come up a diversion once again, this time, they'll be the ones throwing their fragile glasses. They must select a favourable spot to rendezvous the infected in one big group.

They understood my intentions and once again, with an awful stance from an amateur baseball player, Clinton then throws the shard away from their direction. Well, that was the plan, sort of.

Not unless they could mess up and hit one of the cars at the distance where…

He did it. He actually did it.

Among the spots he needed to perch the breakable glass, he had… hit the front part of the car, the fenders, and managed to sound the installed alarm from the automobile.

Well, I guess we're dead?