Unexpected events!

Left and right, I can see hundreds of them out there, slowly walking down, randomly, like lost ants fallen from a terrain. I had also joined the wander, as I tried forcing my wounded leg to march down the forgotten lane of "The Wharf's" bridge. There we were, stranded, infected. I couldn't believe it at first, but I, I've seen it from my own eyes. A zombie pierces its canine teeth unto my skinny flesh. The pain from my femur had been akin from being dismembered.

I walked down once again from the dreadful path only to find Pura and Clinton far ahead. They were…waving, screaming, in delight upon seeing my behind.

"FLEUR!" They cheered my name and soon grabbed me from my breach.



I couldn't muster the voice needed to shout. The phrases apart proved to be difficult for it to be audible.

No, it was too late. My body had already been decayed, and as soon as they saw my face, I…

I knew it was too late.

-7:00 A.M.

I've just woken up from a dreadful nightmare which… uh, I forgot, but it was scary. IT WAS THAT SPOOKY and the fact that I had forgotten everything might be a great phenomenon for me. You know what they say, ignorance is bliss, and the less you know, the fewer problems you'll have.

I found myself inside a cellar room, painted in greyish hue, much like from your regular prison found in police stations. I was forced to stay put and quarantine myself for later interrogations. The wound above my forehead indicated to them that I had been sliced or knocked over such by an infected individual, thus will further undergo massive testing results to ensure all of the survivor's safety inside the fort.

So this is where the military base is hiding. It was far too grandiose, likewise we had it pretty much even, staying indoors from an elegant hotel called "Magique".

The scratch from my forehead wasn't quite deep and the cut itself was way likely from the fall committed when the car had crashed, nearly, towards the river, on the verge of the bridge. I unfolded my story from the very start, that this crisis was without a doubt caused by the zombie virus, infecting the whole area.

"Kid, do you know the Laboratory near New York City?" The guy named Paul was the one asking me the questions needed for the interrogations. This was done yesterday, inside this very room.

"Well, my friend had told me that that laboratory had exploded and it was much likely linked from these outbursts we're experiencing?" I threw him off with the same question. We're going nowhere from our conversation.

"Were you alone?" He asks once more.

"Right now, yeah. But I have two comrades on the east, just around Patrick's Cathedral. We were saving these two women, a mother and her daughter, stranded inside their own home."

We ended our discussion in a blissed and kind of sorted out the misconceptions that I currently had. They were the ones, after all, leading the massive crowd from the very beginning.

The whole place consists of 250 survivors, 50 of them are suspected to have the virus inside or roughly carriers of such. They are currently held just below the building, secured, and locked; whilst providing them minimum, but sufficient, food and clothing.

I was on the middle floor, suspected, but clean out of the ordinary.

With a lot of time to spare, I looked out the window once again and begin humming a tune while waiting for a fruitful event.

-9:00 A.M.-

2 hours had passed and a group of men in fatigue uniforms had greeted my sleepyhead (the military personnel). They were… uh, how should I say this? They are eager to see me from this blessed (awful) day.

"Rise and shine little girl. We're getting you out of here" An old man, who wore a mischievous grin, suddenly opened the bars, allowing some sort of entrance for him to pass by.

"Yeah, but, from where?" I ask. It was far too suspicious, that out of all of the people who are present outside my room, they were men mixed with the young and old.

"We'll be having a good time. Come on, don't tell Uncle Paul, alright?" He slowly approaches my front, creeping in like a lunatic himself.

Two of his lackeys also enters the room, with ropes and hankies at their disposal.

The man with the cloth abruptly leaps and manages to lock my jaw, making myself unable to speak nor shout in need for some sort of help coming from the outside. I stare at the three military men, only to found out that they… they're after my body.

"Let's make this simple. We'll do what we need to do here and we'll be on our way. How about it? Sounds fun, right?" the man who seems to be their leader shows off a combat knife right from his pocket, licking it from the sharped edge of the blade.

The one with the rope finally entangles me, tying a knot from my behind, grasping my body which was wriggling from my response.

I am truly petrified for the future that lies ahead of me. They seemed to be heroic at first glance. I swear to god I've seen them before, haven't I? Along from the terrible upstart of zombies that the world is currently experiencing, these jackasses sure wanted to be hoodlums inside their military stronghold; or survivor's shelter.

Their leader kneeled and touches my body, between my thighs. He then slides down his free hand unto my cheeks, feeling the soft sensation brought by the surface of my face.

"You're a lovely girl, aren't you?" Teasing, whilst shifting his attention towards my breast which he roughly gropes them about.

I gave him a murderous intent, wanting him to stop this absurd madness going from his mind; but my attempts were futile at the very end. My voice gave out a soft moan. I didn't feel any pleasure nor excitement from the sensation, but rather, hatred and anger rush through my spine.

I tried to resist, as I wiggled my way once again, hoping to detach myself from the tightening rope wrapped from behind.

"Quit it!" Two of his men started kicking me to my stomach, making myself immobilise once more from the sudden pain felt right from the centre of my abdomen.

I let out a mild groan, anguished from the terrible scandal happening inside my very room. In my mind, I was calling for help. Pura…Where are you.

I close my eyes and accepted my fate; whilst being continuously groped down by random men without my apparent permission.

"Be a good girl and-"The old man was breadths away from my face, staring intently through my eyes. It was a deadly peer manifested with lust and greed. He then reaches for my lips and

fortunately, from the nick of time, the woman, whom I've seen from the barricaded wall before, had entered the room and kicked their arsed inside; through their balls, making them quite 'shocked' from the encounter, as they hold the middle of their thighs whilst groaning wildly in peril.

"I..No, this isn't what it looks like!" The old man, who was caught red-handed by the awesome girl, was shivering in dismay. He didn't calculate much from these unexpected turn of events. I steel my resolved and managed to faze a smile.

"Tell it to Paul" as she swung a kick right of his head. The impact had made the old man doze out from fright, flat from the ground.

"mmhmmmhnkiqnwjdn" I was jumping (kinda) out of giddy, being saved by a woman herself from this horrible confrontation.

"Right. Sorry about that. My name is Venice. You're Fleur, right? That awesome girl who drove off those wild chasing zombies? I mean, how cool was that!" She's the one who had interrupted my idiom awhile back. She couldn't cease to amuse me, as she untangles the rope and freed me from my despair.

"Thank you," I said, and gave her a warm hug as my sort of appreciation.

"Don't mention it. Thank Paul here. He told me to check on you and here I am"

"Come on, no need for thanks. A soldier must uphold his duties, don't you think?" A shadow from behind could be seen walking towards the aisle, with a cigar on its hand. It's Paul alright. He's the coolest guy I have ever met!

"Thank you, Mr. Paul" I replied, as I gave him a thumbs up combined with my sparkling smile.

"What are we going to do about these?" Venice directed her question towards Paul who was dragging the live corpse away from the cellar.

"We throw them off to the cannibals out there. I have no such need for disrespectful men in my battalion" He has the power to either fire or hire any employees in his pity, much like from a strict director from a wealthy company, and unfortunately for these guys, they'll be meeting their early end.

"But the government…" Murmured Venice, who had looked kind of gloomy seeing them hauled around by a single grown man.

"Bla Bla Bla. Venice, take that young lady down to our office. We need to save her comrades tomorrow."

"Sir, yes, sir" With a graceful salute, Venice guided me outside and released me from the cage. The morning had finally ended with a…well, I'll leave that to your imagination.