
A full month had passed since the…


Spicy event that I had experienced with Venice.

Apart from it, the days have went blissfully like the running wind. Every morning, around 6:00 A.M., either Uncle Paul or Venice would wake me up for an early breakfast, and afterwards resuming our daily training regime. The instructions given were nowhere difficult, consisting of movements that are dull and routinely done by an average healthy person. It was supposed to be, after some old man changed everything and decided to work our bones, multiplying each and every exercises, by a hundred times; it'll be funny if it was a joke. The whole thing is ridiculous, right?


Today will be our last day of 'working out'. Every time me and Clinton would break into tears from the strict instructions given by Paul, he would tie us up and toss us around in a sack full of grass mixed with dirt. It was the most earth-ful punishment we've ever faced; less horrible from the Lich, of course.

During those times, I also got to have 'fun' with Venice, who was constantly drooling… er, I mean, humping

No wait

'Bonding' with me, passionately, thrice a week. She would barge inside my room and hop her way towards my front and undresses me without a single word. She would furthermore kiss me and pull my tongue in a playful manner while touching various parts of my body. I didn't hate it after all, those hot nights were uniquely done by Venice, whom I had took a liking to.

"That's it for today" Paul yells and soon went back inside the building.

*Huff Puff Huff Puff*

"I swear to god he's a sadist. He'll just order us around to do this and that with a sinister smile on his face then…" Clinton couldn't even finish his rant and eventually ran out of breath, and peacefully lie on the grassy ground, eyes closed, and supine.

My body then felt the needless grasp for air, begged by my stretched lungs. With my last ounce of energy spared from my soul, I raised my hand closely above my face and glimpsed on the current time.

It is 6:03 in the evening. When was the last time I've eaten a juicy lunch? All we've been ingesting were wild fruits and vegetables harvested from the open field right next to ours.

"Are you okay, big sister~ here's a towel! You look awfully drenched…and smelly." Ariel, the kid we've saved was now blocking my view, as she closely leans forward and offers me a clean dry towel, while pinching her nose from the foul smell I've been exerting with.

"Thank you sweetie. What are you up to, Ariel? And am I that smelly?" I lean closer and wipe all of the perspiration released from my body, soaking all over the once dried handkerchief, while sniffing the tunnel right across my underarm…which was indeed pretty disgusting.

"Hey, where's mine, Ariel?" Still barely alive, flat on the ground, Clinton turns his neck towards Ariel and offers him his hand.

"Nothing for you, Clinton" Ariel said and soon shifts her head away from his hands. She also crossed her arms, pouted, and walked off from the other side of the field where her mother, Zenith, was waiting.

"I'll come back for you, big sister~" Ariel waves her hands and merrily smiles.

"You too!" I wave back and curl up a smile. Clinton, on the other hand, crosses his arms and mumbles his way towards various things

'Why do you even get the attention when we were the ones who had saved you'?--

Stuff like that. Thus, I decided to leave him be for the time being.

Paying it no mind, I resumed on rubbing my hair with the towel that Ariel had given me.

"Okay, that's it. I'm getting a shower." Annoyed, I stood up from my seat and marched my way towards the ingress of the building, leaving behind Clinton who was still busy from his…sulking.

"You getting in?" I asked, as I hang the wet towel on my right shoulder, while constantly wiping the surfaces around my neck.

"Yeah, yeah. Catch you later" He replied and soon shifts his body away from my direction.

"O-okay" I didn't know what to say. Leaving him be was probably the best idea after all. Probably.


"Ah~ the fresh breeze" The water was well kept at the right temperature, just enough for my body to feel greatly refreshed after a good bath.

"Hmm? Where's my clothe-"

"Are you looking for these?" A feminine voice echoes inside the bathroom. I thought I had locked the door? I've had enough with zombies, but ghost? Oh, no fucking way.

"Who's there?" I positioned myself in a defensive stance, which Paul had taught us to do, in case for emergencies. Exercising wasn't the only fun thing to learn from those hellish times, you know? I was, indeed, putting the lessons at play by knocking my first opponent fro-


"Tada~ did you missed me?" She unravels herself from the dangling curtains whilst holding what seems to be a spare key chiming on her hands.

"Look, we don't have time for games-"

"10 minutes is enough"

She said and soon pounces herself towards me, slamming her right hand on the wall, close to my face. She then licks the surface of her mouth in a…seductive manner and began touching, playfully, my defenceless chest.

"They've gotten bigger?" She utters, as she steadily slides her way down below.

"What are you doi- ah~" I moaned unintentionally from the fingers thrusting inside, gently accumulating her speed. Her fingers felt surprisingly good, as if I was being tickled in a pleasurable manner. I couldn't help but continuously moan from her every actions.

Eventually, her aggressive plunge made my legs wobble out of balance, forcing my whole body to tremble in delight and hurriedly wrapping myself into her arms.

"Deeper~" I whispered, still feeling the world in euphoria as I unconsciously beg for more.

She then places both of my arms around her neck and locks me in place, as she ceaselessly twist her way inside of me, throbbing wildly on my moaning tune.

I suddenly felt a wild gush down my clitoris, excreting massive loads of cum swimming on her delicate hands. With a satisfying smile, she picks myself up and offers my clothes, which she had kept well-hidden during the assault.

"Here, wash yourself again if you have to." She said, placing my stuff from the dried sink right across me.

My mind was broken momentarily, thinking about one only thing; craving for an endless night with her toying me to sleep.

It had been sunken deep inside my mind that I was pleasured from the adventurous fingers touching from below. With my mouth still agape from the excitement, I gave her a nod and mindlessly opened the shower once more.


"Free at last!" I exited the bathroom with glee, wearing a pair of purple sleeveless shirt and a black knee-length short provided by Venice. No assaults could be seen from either direction, thus I took the chance and swiftly flee from the scene.

Before long, I was stopped in my tracks by a familiar man with a cigar on his face.

"Kid, we need to talk" Paul said, blowing off the compressed nicotine in his smoke.

"Sure thing, gramps. What are we talkin-"

"Let's…move to a quieter place." He said in a dejected tone.


He turns around, leading the way towards the open field that we had been blithely training with.

As we both head towards the whistling grass below our feet, his eyes began to wander at the northern abyss, mesmerising on the twinkling stars above the sky.

"Andrew Turner was sighted around Hongkong by one of the US Marines, together with Claire Wattson" He shows me a blurred picture of the two individuals from his cellular phone. With a deep sigh, he tosses his cigar away and stomps it on the ground.

"This is great news! I GOT TO INFORM CLINTON AND VENI-"

"We ain't coming with you."

My eyes grew wide from the sentence he had uttered. The whistling cold wind gently taps our skin, making it difficult for me to perceive the current situation in hand.

"Venice…Venice, she'll be with us, right?"

"I'm afraid not."

My whole body began to sink. It was Paul himself, the General of the Army, had ordered her withdrawal from our journey. Logically, we ought to appreciate the kind deed for lending us a spare boat required for our voyage. They were like family to me. They were the ones who had cared deeply for us, who had listened for us, who had been there for us, teaching me and Clinton to fight amidst from the apocalyptic state of the world.

"BUT WHY?" I cried. The dam, which was holding back my tears, had been mercilessly destroyed.

I couldn't see a damn thing

And I knew from the bottom of my heart that…somehow, I could bring Venice towards our side

"Both of you will depart tomorrow. Pack your things and head towards Northcote Point Fishing Deck. I've called out the captain of the boat and managed to converse about transporting the both of you towards the Hongkong's port.

Venice will stay here and officiate the entire survivor's needs. I, on the other hand, is the country's General. Apologies."

He said, as he gazes through my eyes. I forced my trembling body to stare and implore for more, begging in my knees.
