S.S.S. Anne--Welcome aboard!

"Pleasure" Paul jeers from the sudden presence of the armed man dressed in a white marine suit.

His physique is akin to a bear, yet well-dressed and shaved inhumane characteristics. The macho man's marine uniform also amplifies his superiority, as a person standing at the apex of the ranking system in the army itself; which was evident from the number of stars attached to his left upper breast.

"Who are you?" I asked, and carefully lower my revolver and hid it inside my pocket.

The battle between the zombies and our group had already been won, but the wariness igniting my chest, from the overwhelming aura of this guy, had made my feet shiver in fear.

"At ease. The name's Rogh Fishbach. I'm the Master Sergeant of the US Marine Corps and the temporary captain of the cruise."

The man named Rogh places his hand unto his abdomen and gave us a graceful bow. He then pointed at the stunning ship from his behind with the name "SSS Anne" largely encrypted at the centre. His previous demeanour from before had abruptly been diminished by his gent-like actions.

"Wow! You're so cool~" Clinton said and slowly approaches Rogh with his disgusting—admiring look painted on his face.

"Kid, don't touch me yet. Even before boarding our ship, we need to inspect every single one of you; Paul included"

Rogh raises his hands and signaled his troops to traverse down the metallic ladder. Moments later, 3 men dressed with Personal Protector Equipment (PPE) came rushing to his side and stopped at an arm's length.

"Quickly run a thorough evaluation of their bodies, then properly escort them inside"

From Rogh's command, the three people hastily stood their post and inspected our skin up-close. Their agile movements were drawn to their utmost experience, handling the job efficiently and elegantly, with no extra movements attached. Despite being touched by multiple men due to the inspection, they've brought no potential risk of being sexually harassed—

"Sire, all of the women are under control"

"Sir, this person has some minor cuts located at his ankle! Should we subdue him and contain the individual?"

As soon as the inspector's voice had finished his sentence, the two aids pinned down Clinton and arrested him down using a spare cuff.

"Let me go—" Clinton pleaded but was soon silenced by one of the assessors, using a clean white towel, choking to his mouth.

Venice and Paul readied their stance but was soon interrupted by Rogh who leisurely marched toward the pitiful cries of Clinton.

He then took out the obstacle from his mouth and moved his face closer to his ear, and whispered

"For now, I'll be nice to you. But once we've confirmed that you're one of them, I'll kill you."

And backed off.

"Sincere apologies, my dearest guests. Unfortunately, it appears that your friend over here must've been contaminated from a small bruise on his ankle—"using the knife hidden from his pocket, he effortlessly cut the straps of Clinton's pants and revealed a scarlet sliced skin oozing with blood.

"It can't be" I screamed and walked towards Clinton. But my sudden displeasure actions were alerted by the 3 individuals and swiftly aimed their pistols at me. Paul and Venice did the same and directed the tip of the barrels unto the angered men.

Eventually, Rogh boisterously laughs at the wild engagement between the two parties. Soon after, he leveled his gun on the ground nearest from his men and shot approximately 5 bullets, due to the rapid burst's setting of the Armalite.

"Do that again and I won't hesitate to kill you." He growled placidly and snickered a smile, as he shifted his focus and resumed from the conversation we have had.

"Forgive me, for my men had been rude to you once again. Worry not. Your friend, Pryce—"

" 'Clinton' "

"Yeah, Clinton, will be offered a quality quarantine inside the decks." Rogh tipped his hat with his unfazed smile.

"Hmm, I'll trust you for that."


"Enough! We need to secure a place and a ship. It'll be best if we head inside and wait for Clinton's results"

After the small quarrel happening between Venice and Paul, the three unidentified men carefully carried Clinton's struggling body and headed first towards the cruise.

I believe that Paul has a better point in this frame of time. Although the Marine's actions were a bit crude and haughty, their loyalty for their commander was undoubtedly rising through the roofs. With that being said in mind, Rogh once again bows and led us inside, this time, using a substitute bridge formed from wooden chunks nailed together in one trail.

"Watch your step. We don't want you dying from a petty fall now, don't we?"

You know, even though he has a willing mind to lend us some aid, his arrogant behaviour and commentaries are nearly pissing me off, barely containing my rage.

"Don't mind him, princess. Now you know why I hate him. But for some reasons, even though, sometimes, he acts without prudence--okay most of the time, he treasures his people and protects them with awe" Despite the negative traits Paul had introduced, not to mention Rogh's annoying advert, he still openly suggested that Rogh's intentions are still pure and kind, always thinking for the betterment of the people.

"I'll hold unto that trust, Uncle Paul."


We soon ended our conversation as we all step foot, excluding Clinton, on to the glamorous floor of the wide SSS Anne's deck.

Looking at my right, I could see all sorts of enriched décor; from the various plastic and realistic plants growing in their lavished pots, to the 5-star pool with a diving board atop, for about 20 metres high.

At my left, I could see a bar with an enormous amount of whiskey's and wine displayed for it to drink, and countless tanning ledges scattered with their pairs of stationed umbrellas at its side.

Despite having this disastrous pandemic of zombies hunting down our kind, the hotels and other transportation we have had settled in are quite prestigious if you know what I mean.

We sure are either lucky for the unbearable amount of luxurious settlements or unfortunate, from losing a friend.

Pondering on the thought would alas invite my sadness dwelling inside, so I diverted my mind and focused on the things right in front of me.

"Our HQ mentioned that you're holding the rests of the survivors here on the cruise. How many did you even rally here on the ship?

Venice first broke the momentary silence, due to the opulent sail offered for our eyes. Averting our gazes, we decided to move forward further inside and hold an emergency meeting for us to converse more quietly than the 'outside'; after all, the whole place seems to be crowded with variations of military men and citizens experiencing the excitement offered from the pool, bar, and such.

"Indubitably, the ship is crowded, but was able to manage by my diligent men! You see, the main problem is, our supplies will be nearly exhausted within the next month, and with nothing to feed for both the armed men and the people, my group will soon die from starvation."

He replied while escorting us deeper inside from the ingress of the ship, and eventually guided us in a wide conference room.

"Do you guys not want to rest first and proceed with the meeting afterward?" Rogh continued, having to worry about our group.

"No, no. We're fine" Venice claims and soon sat at the far edge of the seat from the round table placed in the middle.

Uhm, Venice, I'm tired you know?—

Once again, my famine desires had already been neglected

We followed suit and perched on a comfortable place and patiently waited for further instructions and verifications included in the meeting.

By the way, Clinton was brought in farther at the core of the ship and was confined inside a room similar to a hotel, and thoroughly being assessed by medical practitioners on board. He will also be provided with bountiful amounts of books to read, entertainments, and meals (including his present dinner) as per Venice had requested.

Rogh then opens a room at the east and rummages inside. I could still perceive the various materials scattered from here and there at the corner of my eye, vividly observing his actions. Paul did the same, as he dived in his briefcase he had brought and taken out a piece of paper (a memo of some sort), a handy battery-powered radio, 10 pieces of advance headgears (similar from what Venice had been wearing), and 2 C4's and other ammunitions, placing all of it on the flat surface of the round wooden table.

At long last, Rogh finishes his business and confidently marched at the front desk and lowered a large foldable white paper from above. He then fixes the projector of the screen, using a remote resting on his side and soon readied everything needed from the presentation.

"Shall we begin?" Rogh clasps his hand and held his remote. With a soft *tick* from the button, the whole room slowly turned black, and a picture of a man dressed in a lab coat flashes to the projector's screen.