
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Fleur's Perspective-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

I had an awful headache the moment I've woken up alive. The reverie from before had begun haunting me for more. A monster so vicious, which reigns the greatest sea, pierces me with its vicious eyes; slowly…tearing me apart.

However, I had risen from the soft touch playing around my body, akin to being…fondled onto my private parts, with various strokes that had made me continuously comfortable. Despite being wary from the familiar dream, my mind had shifted from the nightmare, and continued to be eased.


I knew it had to be Venice—from those intimate soft, yet powerful hands, adorning my hibernating body.

My mind knew it was indecent, but my heart had been craving for more. Alas, Venice stood up and reminded me our breakfast, especially our shift from our day and night schedules.

I followed her lead and stared at my bountiful plate.

But as soon as the floor grumble, my mind began to wander.

I paid close attention from the vivid images flashed inside my head—the painting from the wall I've ventured with, the rooms that I've once seen, were all coming together like a puzzle piece. Still, dreams will remain dreams, i suppose. Being alarmed from such…Idiocracy would invite me from those brainless zombies.

The dream had shifted into reality, and the ship itself was its whole setting. What was left now was the monstrous serpent, diving from below.

The floor began to shake akin to an earthquake. Moreover, the waves from afar had been violently splashing against the iron-clad cruise, mercilessly knocking it to fall over.

The walls begin to crack, and the sturdy ceilings that lifted the storeys had soon fell off, scattering the debris, and 'twas followed by the roaring sounds of thunder audible in our room.

There it flail intensely beneath the water, even so, its emerald scales began surfacing like a snake drowning in the blue waves.



I call out her name, as we both stretched our arms hoping it would clasp. Still, our attempts went grim and futile, as the concrete floor underneath us forcefully collapsed. The tremor had created a fissure in between, and pushed me aside towards the left, and Venice to the right—each at the far end side.

Venice desperately clings on the wreckage of what was left from the monitors and screens, sliding through the imbalance terrain.

Amidst from it all, the serpent-like creature finally showed its head, spitting some sort of acid dripping from its mouth. It began intoxicating the floor where it had landed, and eventually vaporises the solid matter.

It was followed by a deafaning screech—a hiss, befitting for a god. Its leer was vaguely the same…

From the dream I had before.

"Yuki, move away—backwards." She motions her hand in a panicking manner. I took note from her instruction and shadowed her movements.

But the pillars from below was unable to lift the weight of the higher grounds, and thus led me to my fall. I miserably clutch my hands on the edge of the entresol, hoping that my grip would carry me above. I wasn't fit nor ready for an abrupt physical training, but here I am attempting to pull myself upwards to the surface.

Even so, my efforts were left unrewarded, as I sadly met my demise. My little brave fingers gradually releases its grip, unable to sustain the weight of my body. Looking down below, I could elaborately see the interiors of the ship—the metal bars and wooden chunks left havoc, swimming in the water. I could even perceive the unending length of the horrid monster, being gushed from the intense waves.

As my index finger let go, so does my whole body. I could only close my eyes, and await the death of my life.

Suddenly, a hand firmly grips the ends of my cloth and pulled me aside

And there

I saw Venice's face sincerely smiling at me, mid-air.

The moment I've lost all hope, was the time Venice tried the hardest; unbeknownst to me, she had took a great leap and pushed me out from danger.

But her heroic deeds comes with a cost—and the devil of death was handsomely paid. Gravity defied my wish, as she slowly



Fall, hitting the azure wavy bed.

My eyes widened from the shock, and my body doubted my sight. I was left with a heartless dilemma

Upon taking the jump in the attempt to save her life

Or hurriedly sprint farther away from this mythical beast, and save mine.

"I won't let you die alone" Tears rain down from my eyes, as it coldly slid towards my cheeks. My vision became blurred, but my goal stood still, much-like from the serpent studying my existence.

"I don't know what the fuck you are, or how you swam all the way here here but…If it means paying a life in order to rescue mine, I would gladly die—with her"

And so, I had chosen the former. Using the last bit of strength residing in my arms, I lift myself up and perched my way upright, and readied for a dive; not even minding the depth where Venice had been thrown.

Time froze, as I could still perceive her figure slowly descending from the fall. I have no time to waste, thus my body went ahead and plunged itself with the wind.

It was supposed to be that way.

But the silver chandelier, which was bravely dangling amidst from it all, had struck my fragile body and aimed toward my head. The impact had electrified my nerves and muscles, and even worse, my skull.

'It'll be dangerous if my brain had been damaged' is what I have all been thinking about.

But it was far too late for me to escape, as the candelabrum laid heavily on my back. I forced myself to be wide awake, refusing to be trampled around. But the undeniable weight from behind was too much for me to handle, even affecting my spine.

Eventually, a solemn splash had reach my ears. I gaze from a distant, where my head had had been swaying at the verge of the cemented floor, and saw the ripples from her fall. Bubbles stayed afloat, as her body sank further in the abyss.

My breath had soon met its last and my eyes began to seek the adventures we've done—which was flashing before me.

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The world around me was akin to an enigma, whereas my body, which was naturally attached, was nowhere to be found.

I could perceive, but unable to sense.

I can hear my own voice, yet I cannot see.

But most importantly…

I do not know who I am.

I have forgotten my name.

If I would recall what had happened from before, all I could say…are these fuzzy warm images of various people surrounding me. Besides these individuals flocking around, I could also see the cities in shambles, holding indifferent firearms, shooting at rotten corpses, wobbly walking towards their direction—viewing from atop from all of these madness,. It was far greater than the wages of war, where this time you would have to shoot someone you knew.

The façade had abruptly ended, and the shadows of awe that had engulfed my senses submerged me once more. However, thousands of star suddenly appears to my fore and revolves throughout my body, blowing me upwards in the milky-way. By the time that I have realised the environment from where I'm in, a young girl, whose silhouette's greyish and celestial, came hopping from each nova and eventually reaches my side.

I could discern a rough image from her familiar posture. And somehow, my heart had remember a warm feeling of nostalgia…

We both stared in silence, unable to speak—no. We were both waiting for someone to initiate a conversation.

"Where am I?"

I could somehow hear my thoughts echoing, as if I was inside a dome. However, the silent girl kept gazing right through me, studying my very existence.

"Hello strange being" I ask once more, this time in a humorous tone.

"Hmm~ you don't recognise me now, do you?"

She twirls around in a giddy manner, like a kid playing with its toy, as she asks me a roundabout question. Each of her steps quivers' the infinite stars, followed by the dazzling light exploded from afar

"I do not" My voice squinters from her comment, short and honest.

Each of her step quivers the infinite stars, followed by a dazzling light exploded from afar. She was like a deity of some sort, and that was the most logical answer that I could've reach at this point.

"Are you god?"


An immediate response, followed by a tremor, was the sort of power fitting for the gods.

"Then who are you?"

"I'm Pura~ "

As she introduces her name, the obsidian nebulas haloing around us beacons like dusts, and a new world appears from my eyes.



And merry.

"I'm a fabric of your dreams, Yuki, Fleur Synthia"