Who are you?-

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Valerie's Perspective-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

"Mrs. Valerie, there's someone outside the room." A little girl around her early teen's walks to me and calmly reports the situation. It seems that a group of rescuers, either from the Spectre's Organisation or a third party group, had safely breached the boarders of the facility. 

"How many of them are out there?" I asked while studying all of the children's expressions inside the room. 

Some of them took drastic measures and armed themselves with the scavenged weapon we had looted from the storeys above. I couldn't retort over their actions as I too is unsure for the mysterious group's intentions. 

"We do not know" The same girl replied with a hint of uneasiness painted on her face. 

I took a pistol out with me and decided to converse with the group rummaging on the outskirts of both of our hotel and the facility.