A Secret Wall Inside the Secret Wall

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Fleur's Perspective-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

"There must be another way" I survey the room and located the severe rubbles and fragments brought down from the barricaded walls. These were the last remnants left from the havoc that had happened before we could even arrive. Furthermore, the bulwark we've built was the only item that was found destroyed inside the room—alongside the pair of scratches and footprints on the ground. The rest of the walls were unscathed as if it was made anew.

"Did a battle happened in here?" I couldn't help but voice out my opinion regarding the new platform of the walls and the rummage scraps from the fallen barrier.

 If a battle did happen inside this room, wouldn't be logical to see the walls cracked from the piercing bullets or the strikes of the pesky lizards of the undead? As far as I was concerned, there was no damage dealt on the surface of the panel.