Rose Joins the Fray

 -_-_-_-_-_-_-Fleur's Perspective-_-_-_-_-_-_

"Rose?" a familiar figure stood tall on the platform, right across the wall from where we've went traversed into. 

She was wielding a high graded pistol, which was hundreds more superior from mine while staring gallantly at the chaos arising through the scene. Her eyes continuously study the setting, conjecturing the causes behind the emergence of the multiple lizards present inside the room as if she had seen this undead horde from before.

"How are you, Rose?" I flashed her with my deceitful smile while pulverising the nearest lizards, attempting to gnaw me from the spine. "The girl who've nearly killed me and my friends." She burrows her face as she realised the things she had done to me and my friends, which are fortunately absent at the present.