
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-Fleur's Perspective-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

"I believe in my father's innocence!" Grey said with a loud voice as he defended his claim to everyone present inside the room. Despite the articles of his father's publicity shown on the news, he was confident enough to trust the evidence contained in the video clip that he has, showing Andrew Turner guiltless from the spread of the virus to the world and framing Dr James for the situation they're on. If the news department would lay their eyes for this peculiar document, then the whole world will shift the blame towards Dr James, making Andrew Turner the saviour of the humankind. 

"It's impossible," I mumbled while recalling the film that we had previously watched four months ago from the same scene that Claire had left inside Pura's necklace. "The scene was different from what we've seen!" I exclaimed and clenched my fist on the fake video portrayed in the image on the holographic screen