Unexpected Traitor

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-Fleur's Perspective-_-_-_-_-_-_

"What kind of idea are you up to right now?" I asked while hysterically fluttering my hands over my head, confused and wondering his odd plan. 

Grey then dashes forth towards the scarlet yet the transparent case of the fire extinguisher and shatters the fragile glass, revealing the fire hydrant inside. He then tosses the canister away and strikes the stone walls from behind. The panel then cracked from the striking force of the damper, showing a black unlifted lever attached on the surface. 

"How in the world?" Venice said while shifting back and forth at the findings of Grey and the army at our fore.

I hurriedly guide our running comrades to our side while fending off those monsters in their trail. My body kept moving on its own without any mistakes or unnecessary movements, as it sliced and diced every undead being within my vicinity.