Revelation (1)

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Fleur's Perspective-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

"The last guy," I said while desperately catching my breath from the rigorous performance of slaying and bashing the undead, which had turned into rotten corpses on the ground. 

Both Quinn and Venice were also exhausted from the battle. They soon rested their backs on the wall and wiped their sweat off of their body to relieve them from the stress of fighting these monsters. I could almost see the puddle of water dripping from their foreheads, as I walked towards them and joined their small gathering.

Grey could be found on the other side of the platform, studying the distinct appearance of these creatures and linking them to the documents that we've located. He had been nodding and for quite a long time while moving around endlessly on the large number of zombies clustered on the floor.