Freezing Field (1)

-_-_-_-_-Fleur's perspective-_-_-_-

An undead zombie, similar from the giant that we've fought earlier, appeared from our behind, watching each of our movements with its jet-black eyes. However, Its eyeballs were solely focused into me, as if watching my next move, menacingly while gritting its rotten and ugly teeth. 

I could hardly move a muscle from its deadly stare, paralysing me without having to do anything at all. 

Its limbs were wrapped in toiletries and other bandages as if it was mummified by an Egyptian from way back the ancient times. The face, however, was filled with worms and other parasites leeching from its flesh, steadily eating the fresh human meat that it had hunted down. I could still discern the pinkish foam stuck from its jaw as the worm tried desperately to wrap its body around the food.