I Cannot Leave You Behind (3)

-_-_-_-_-Fleur's Perspective-_-_-_-_

"I guess we'll be the one's taking the night duty," I spoke with a disheartened voice, as I too wanted to earn the right to rest first on the comfortable and hard ground. However, my wish was immediately shattered and forgotten by the resting faces of Venice, Quinn, and Grey. 

 The only concern that Konoe and Tomori were still wide awake was that they were both managing the portable laptop that they obtained from the facility. It was a handy gadget that allows them to temporary control of the system of the building. Even so, their ability to hijack the system's CPU is still limited to unlocking the doors and disassemble the traps of the rooms. That is why the two sisters wanted to prove their worth and become useful for the next scene of our journey.