Halfway There

-_-_-_-_-_Fleur's Perspective-_-_-_-

I immediately wrap my arms on the two sisters who were the first people that have been thrown and pushed off onto the ground.

The force coming from the attack made the whole car tumble and turn over to the side. There was nothing left out from the buggy that we drove, as we discerned its parts shattered from all directions from the strike. 

Soon, our body began hitting the brown grains of the sand with intense momentum and speed. I could almost taste the bland savour of the dessert entering my mouth while rolling over to the side, and eventually hitting my head on the boulder.

My consciousness began to fade away after realising that my body went utterly numb and immobile after the incident. However, I refused to give up and managed to stay awake amidst the chaos happening in our surroundings.

 Luckily, the scorpion decides to descend to the floor after destroying the machine that we previously found.