Surface Of the End

-_-_-_-_Fleur's Perspective-_-_-_-_

Each step we took made our hearts tumble with joy as we raced upwards the series of stones built as stairs. By reaching the end of the staircase, we immediately notice the faintly flickering lights shining from the two circular glass, aiding us to come closer to the entrance.

"There's the exit! Quickly, run towards the light!" Grey shouted at the tip of his lungs while chasing the ray of light illuminating the concrete panels around us.

Suddenly, a violent shudder, coming from the lower floor, catches our attention. Venice, who was the last person to catch up with the group, observes the entity creeping closer from our behind, desperately crawling its way on the stacks of stones.

"It's still alive!" Venice informs us about the giant making its way to us with an insane speed that it did not have from before.