The Wave (1)

-_-_-_-_-_Fleur's Perspective-_-_-_-_

"What do you want?" Quinn, who was asking in place for the bleary-eyed Grey, walks up ahead and faces Sheeran. Apparently, he was still munching the leftover meat impaled on his stick with his eyes glued on the glass full of the exact kebab he consumed.

The rest of our team and I follow suit as we thoroughly listen to what Sheeran was about to say when suddenly.

"Sorry to intrude on your conversation, leader, but there appears to be a horde of zombies coming into our shelter." A young man nervously approaches us with both of his hands clasp against each other. He spoke in kanji language-Japanese speech-which made most of us hardly understood his report. He didn't even mind us, guests, as he hurriedly informs Sheeran about the sudden appearance of the said monsters heading in our way.

"Is that so?" Sheeran replied while placing his unfinished stick to the nearby bin and hastily stride his way to the gate.