The Wave (3)

-_-_-_-Grey's Perspective-_-_-_-_-

I unknowingly stood up from my seat, baffled from the news that I have heard out from Sheeran's mouth. It was hard for me to imagine that scene at first, but knowing my father, he will come and destroy this town to accomplish his goals.

But why would he do that when he knows that I'm here inside the town? "It doesn't make any sense at all," I silently utter while walking back and forth from the narrow aisle, while my eyes glued on the creaking wooden floor.

Right beside me is Sheeran, who is also confused about thinking for our defence from the approaching beasts and Andrew's crews coming in our way. He wordlessly releases a sigh, unsure of what would be his priority that needs to be dealt and fixed with the situation on hand.

"What are your thoughts, Grey?" Sheeran looks at my worried face and offers me the phone where he received the email from my dad. "Maybe this can help you think distinctly."