New Friends

Yuriko stands in front of Jay and proceeds to say, "What the hell is wrong with you Kenichi?" The scruffy man responded with, "Oh, don't be like that Yuriko." Jay realizes that they both know each other and asks, "Yuriko, how do you know him?" Yuriko then says, "This is my boyfriend Kenichi." Jay realizes that this is the boyfriend that Shiro warned him about, and the one Yuriko said is part of the Yakuza. Jay looks around and notices their completely surrounded by Yakuza thugs, that are holding bats, chains, and guns. Jay, scared out of his mind, proceeds to say, "Listen man, I don't know what I did to piss you off, but I promise that I'm not trying to make a move on your girlfriend."Kenichi starts to walk towards Yuriko and Jay, and stops right in front of Jay. "You trying to say that my girl, isn't attractive enough for you?" asks Kenichi. "No, I mean that's not what I mean. She's attractive, but I knew that she has a boyfriend. So, I only see Yuriko as a friend." Yuriko blushes out of embarrassment. Kenichi leans in towards Jay's face. Jay starts to sweat through every pore on his body. Kenichi stares into Jay's eyes, and then proceeds to laugh. Kenichi's goons start to laugh as well. Jay and Yuriko look around confused on what's going on. Jay asks, "What's going on?" Kenichi responded, "Sorry kid, didn't mean to make you piss your pants." Kenichi and his goons continue to laugh. Kenichi then proceeds to tell his goons to leave in Japanese. Once they left, Kenichi says, "You must be confused, huh? Well to make things sweet, short and simple. One of my goons saw you walking with Yuriko yesterday through here. He thought that Yuriko was cheating on me with you, but I knew that wasn't the case." Yuriko then asks, "If you knew, then why you threatened Jay?" "I wanted to meet your new friend, and play a prank on him, but I guess I went a little too far." responded Kenichi. They both look at Jay, sitting lifeless on the ground. Kenichi walks towards Jay, crouches like a baseball catcher and says, "Hey man, sorry that we had to meet this way. As you already know. My name is Kenichi." Kenichi extends his right arm. Jay extends his right arm and says, "My name is Jay, please to finally meet you." Kenichi then helps Jay to get back on his feet, and pulls him into a bro hug, "But on a serious note, if I ever see or hear that you mistreated my girl, or even tried to make a move on her. I won't hesitate to kill you." whispered Kenichi into Jay's ear, which sends shivers through out Jay's body. Kenichi pulls away from the hug and starts to walk away. As he is walking away, kenichi says, "Well you two should get going, or you'll be late." Jay looks at the time on his phone. It read 8:25 A.M. "Shit he's right! Let's go Yuriko," says Jay. As Yuriko starts walking with Jay, towards the high school, she screams out, "We're not done here Kenichi! You idiot!" Jay and Yuriko then start to run towards the school.

Once they arrived to school, they took a break at the lockers. "That was close. We barely made it on time," said Jay. "Yeah, but now we're dripped in sweat," said Yuriko. There was a silence between them, as they try to catch their breath. They suddenly start to laugh about what happened. "I want to apologize for what my boyfriend did," said Yuriko. "It's fine. I can understand from where he's coming from. If I hear that my girlfriend is walking around with another guy, I would check up on the situation too. Just not as exaggerated," said Jay. Yuriko nods in agreement. They both walk to class together. "What an eventful morning. I didn't't know I would meet Yuriko's boyfriend, the day after I knew she had one and that he was part of the Yakuza," Jay thought to himself. "I wonder if we don't look too suspicious entering semi-late to class together," Jay wondered to himself. Yuriko opens the classroom door and to their surprise the teacher wasn't in the room yet, but the whole class stared at both of them as they walked in. They both sat down at their desks, and tried to ignore everyone. Mrs. Toma then walks into the classroom. "Good morning class! Hope you guys already to work your brains off," said Mrs. Toma. She then went to her desk to do attendance. As she goes down the lists, she notices that both Jay's and Yuriko's clothes are soaked. Mrs. Toma then said, "Mr. Rivera and Miss Sato. Why are both your clothes wet?" Jay was going to tell the truth, but Yuriko spoke up and said, "We were walking to school, and then someone, who was wearing a mask, splashed us with a bucket filled with water. We were already running kind of late to school, so we couldn't have turned back home to change," Jay couldn't believe what Yuriko just said. "What was that Yuriko? Mrs. Toma is not going to believe a single word. We were better off saying the truth," thought Jay to himself. Mrs. Toma looked at both of them and said, "That's just terrible. I'm sorry you both had to go through that." The entire class was shocked that Mrs. Toma believed Yuriko, including Jay. "I guess I was wrong for having high expectations from Mrs. Tom," Jay said to himself. "Alright, since we have that situation settled. Let's start the class," said Mrs. Toma.

It's now lunch time, and Yuriko quickly left the class to dry off her clothes. Jay then takes out his lunch from his backpack. Shiro pulls up a seat and sits next to Jay. "So, what really happened?" asks Shiro. "It's like what Yuriko said, we were splashed by a masked guy," responded Jay. "Oh come on! You think we bought that bullshit?" said Shiro. Jay then explained what really happened to Shiro. "See! I told you to stay away from her. Now you're on his radar," said Shiro. "It's not like I have a choice now," said Jay. "What do mean?" asked Shiro. "I found out yesterday that, Yuriko and I are neighbors," responded Jay. Shiro sits back in his chai and said, "Oh you're so fucked." Jay nudges Shiro. Another girl was eavesdropping on their conversation and asked, "Now why would Jay be fucked?" Jay was confused on who she was. "It's none of your business Himari. We're talking about guy stuff," said Shiro. "Huh, her name is Himari. She's kind of cute," thought Jay to himself. "Oh come on Shiro! I have done nothing wrong. I'm just curious," Said Himari. "Haven't you heard the saying, 'Curiosity killed...killed," Shiro said struggling to finish the saying. "Curiosity killed the cat," said Jay. "Yeah that! Thanks Jay," said Shiro. "I see you're more dumber than usual," proclaimed Himari. "Where is my manners, my name is Himari. It's a pleasure to finally talk to you" said Himari as she extends her right arm towards Jay. Jay, with a blush expression on his face, extends his right arm said, "M-My name is Jay and like wise." As they finished introducing each other, Mrs. Toma walks in the room. "Sorry for interrupting your precious lunch time, but I have an important announcement." The whole room turn their attention to the front of the room. Meanwhile Yuriko is walking back from drying her clothes off and sees someone, that she never seen before, outside the classroom door. "Never seen you here before. Are you lost?" asked Yuriko. The tall, blonde, and handsome student turned towards Yuriko and said, "No, but I wouldn't be mad to have a cute girl like you as my tour guide." Yuriko, quickly pissed at his comment, walks to the the unknown student and says, "You better watch what you say. You might regret it." Yuriko then starts to walk towards the classroom door, but then the unknown student grabs Yuriko by the wrist, and pins her down on the classroom door and says, "Oh yeah? That's big talk coming from a pretty girl like you." Mrs. Toma opens the classroom door to introduce the new transfer student that she told the class about. The entire class stares at the new transfer student and Yuriko. Jay in the other hand recognizes the new transfer student, and has a shocked/scared expression on his face.