Perks and risk

There were instances when Elion was not at the princess' side, attendants get to have their break time too, and in that short time frame, the princess managed to get herself in trouble once again.

Unaware of the princess's current situation, Elion was taking a nap in his dorm room. Attendants would usually eat during this time, but Elion decided otherwise. He was one of the fortunate ones, he still does not have someone to share the room with, which was obviously influenced by his position. As the princess' attendant, he was deemed to be a higher-ranking staff than others. There was a silent rule amongst the attendants--- those who were working directly to a royal are just treated much better. 

But Elion would not mind having a roommate. For someone who grew up in the slumps where pillows and comforter were a luxury, him having his own bed was already enough. Other than his side of the bed, the room remained untouched--- it still looked like the way it was the first day he came in the palace. There were no trinkets of things as proof of his stay, no leftover foods, no piled-up uniforms--- nothing--- and that was how he wanted it to be, always ready to go if needed to. He never intended to stay that long anyway, the longer he stays would only mean one thing--- his mission is not yet accomplished. 

But his peaceful nap time was suddenly interrupted. 

Without any warning, two guards barged into his room, making him jerk awake from his sleep. The guards were forcing him away from his bed, his body reacted instinctively as he stood on his feet, blocking the intruders from hurling him away. The guards were punched all over in the process---that what happens when two skinny boys try to outpower a built young man who has experience from the real world. 

"Maya!" he shouted.

On Elion's mind, there was only one reason why they were being hostile towards him, the princess had finally confessed everything to her queen mother and these men were about to lead him to his death. 

The two guards were not able to make Elion make a step from where he was standing, calling for backup, more guards welcomed themselves in the room.

"Maya!" he shouted his lungs out.

Whatever he was currently experiencing, Maya would be experiencing it too, more than protecting himself, knowing where Maya is was more important. This thought made Elion to come into his senses and to allow them to subdue him. He was after all, an attendant and not a soldier inside the palace.

As soon as he stepped out of his room, tension turned into relief. Maya, as it turns out, was not being dragged away. 

Maya was at the side of his door--- together with the other attendants who were trying to get a look of what was happening. 

Maya stared at him, bewildered, confused.

Clearly it was not about them being from the slumps.

'Then what is it?' Elion searched though his memory, trying to think of a reason for what was happening.

As questions lingered between them, the two spies exchanged look for a second, searching for answers.

Some bystanders still had honey bread on their hands as they followed the commotion. Maya, together with the crowd of curious attendants, followed Elion and the guards.

The guards dragged Elion in the middle of the field where there was a pole waiting for him

A female attendant in the crowd shrieked. "Oh no." 

Even Maya knew what the pole was for, there was a reason why it was near the attendant's dormitory, it was used as a tool for punishment. For Maya, this was a good indication, they would not be this public if they were planning to kill him without clear reason--- a protest by the attendants would be a hassle for the royals after all.

There was a young squire who was lingering amongst the guards, on his hand was a parchment with the Royal Council's initials on it.

The squire cleared his throat, the crowd drew into silence to hear what the verdict was.

Seeing that he had the attendants' attention, he announced the order. "In relation with the princess' violation of the curfew law, Eli Kaiser, due to negligence of duty, is hereby subject to fifty floggings…" satisfied with his announcement, the squire rolled back the parchment, sealing Eli's fate. "…signed by Ison Vis, head of the royal council."

After hearing the announcement, the guards tied Elion's hand together above his head, it was tight enough for him to stay in place. The highest-ranking guard, proven by the red lining on the pocket of his shirt, tore Elion's uniform from and threw it on the ground.

There was awe from the female audience upon seeing his chiseled bare chest. 

"Look at that." A female attendant giggled, it was a rare view inside the palace.

One of the guards, who was bald and brute, was tightening a leather whip on his hand. He circled around Elion a few times, spitting on Elion's face. 

Protest can be heard amongst the crowd.

The guard finally settled at Elion's bare back, smirking.

After finishing their meal, more attendants came to the field to see.

The squire, who was standing beside Elion, began counting. "One."

A loud splash hanged in the air.

The whip touched Elion's skin, making him jerk in front from the sudden pressure. But weather Elion felt the pain, it was not shown on his face, making the punisher unsatisfied.

Making Eli whine in pain is the goal.

Curiosity and frustration amongst the crowd turned into shock and terror. Apparently, being the princess personal attendant is not a position one should be envious of after all.

"Two!" the squire continued. "Three!"


The punisher was still left unsatisfied.

Drops of sweats was beginning to form on Eli's forehead, but his voice was still not formed.

Making Eli cry and beg for forgiveness would be better. 


The punishment continued on with Maya amongst the audience, observing how resilient--- or stubborn--- Elion is.

Though it was not about the slumps, nor the punishment fatal, it was clear that Elion was punished because of the princess.

As Elion's comrade, Maya had to do something about it. And the answer of course, would be to seek an answer from the princess.

Maya turned away from Elion and began to walk towards the princess' chamber.


Alyssa found it interesting, what she overheard from the attendants.

She was sitting at the round table, eating her third egg tart. Apparently, there was something of hers that was being sold inside the palace--- without her consent. She had to know what that item might be and retrieve it. 

But first, she had to find an excuse to get out of her room, she looked around her room, thinking of an excuse for the guards to let her go. 

She could fake a faint, throw her chair on the floor to get the guard's attention, then they would carry her to the wards--- but she hates the wards--- so this plan was a no. She could scream to get their attention, then outran them---- a scenario any possible with two conditions. One, if there were only two guards within the palace. And two, if royals would chase her instead of the guards. 

She reached for the box to grab another egg pie but found that it was already empty--- she ate all the egg tart unconsciously. 

Sighting, she rubbed her round belly, feeling too full to think. 

But that was when her eyes lit up. She had an idea that would not require physical exhaustion but would rather cause mental tension to the guards. 

Alyssa was hoping that this idea would be enough. 

She walked towards her door and banged on the door. "Is anybody out there?" she knocked again. "Is anybody there?"

Clinks of metals shuffled on the other side of the room. "Yes, princess." one of the guards replied.

"I need to get out of here." Alyssa said.

"I'm sorry princess, unless receive instructions to let you go, we cannot do that." The guard explained.

"I know," Alyssa agreed. "I would not have asked if this is not emergency."

"It's an emergency," he repeated to his fellow guard, they were probably warned by Ison Vis not to listen to Alyssa." We should at least check if it's true." Alyssa had gotten the guard's attention, but he was still careful not to be tricked. "What emergency?" 

"I'm bleeding…" the princess added after a second. "badly."

There were a few seconds of silence before one of the guards answered.

"Princess, we will open the door to inspect the bleeding."

"All right, if you need to." Alyssa backed a step when the door opened.

The only thing the guards can do to inspect this alleged bleeding was to circle the princess and assess her thoroughly with their eyes. "Princess, I see no bleeding. You're perfectly fine."

"Not THAT kind of bleeding." Alyssa informed them. "Well, if you really insist about it…" the princess was slowly lifting her dress in a slow dramatic way. "I can show it to you."

Both of the guards' eyes went wide, they would not just be punished for this, they would get killed--- by the queen herself.

They suddenly turned their back away from the princess, they had no choice but to believe the princess's words.

"I'm out of supplies." the princess released the side of her dress. "I need my pads."

"I just need a few minutes to get them, no one will even realize that I was released." The princess smiled. "This is just between the three of us."

"I'm sorry princess, but we're given strict instruction not to let you out. But we can offer to get this supply for you, just tell us where to get it." The guards still had their backs to the princess.

"Do you even know what it looks like?" the princess exhaled, she failed, she may not be able to get out, but maybe she can let someone in. "Okay, you can get Eli for me?"

No way Alyssa would let Eli get her pads.

The guard turned his head, looking at the princess weirdly. "Eli?" The princess' personal attendant is a man too after all.

"Yes! Eli!" the princess was not happy for being asked twice. "Hurry, it about to leak!"

The guard shook his head. "You cannot go out, but we can get him for you." The guard shifted his weight awkwardly. "Maybe you can sit down while waiting…to ease the bleeding."

Alyssa obliged and sat down on a chair as an act as the guards locked her again inside her room.