Closed gates

The royals were laughing, sharing the day's gossip amongst themselves, as they spent their time at the mess patio enjoying their snack.

But the jolly afternoon was spoiled by an attendant who had the audacity to pass by the royals without courtesy. He rushed beside Ison Vis, and with a grim expression on his face, whispered something to the duke. 

Ison Vis' eyes turned into slits, understanding the situation. But before he could share the gathered information to the Queen, a plate shattered to the ground as an attendant shrieked in pain.

Sitting on the adjacent table was Kiva, happily devouring her food, oblivious of the stirring commotion around her.

The attendant waggled her legs in hopes for the dog to release her. One male attendant grabbed the dog's upper and lower muzzle to force it to release its bite. The French bulldog did release the leg, but the male attendant's hand was bitten instead.

Some attendants gathered to help, but each was bitten after the other.

Maya was not one of them--- she knew better. Before anyone could notice, she tossed her serving tray aside and ran away from the scene.

"Protect the Queen!" Ison Vis stood up. "All the royals are to go to the throne room. Others are to return to their dormitory, be sure to lock your doors." 

"What is the meaning of this Ison Vis?" Queen Kathy placed down her spoon on her plate.

"We have no time to argue." Ison Vis announced. "The infection is spreading inside the palace."

And with those words, attendants screamed and ran for safety, the royals abandoned their half-eaten snacks and gathered together.

Kiva managed to eat her remaining food before she was dragged by her father to join the group.

The royals were divided in groups as the guards surrounded them in a circle.

A guard managed to strike the dog on its leg, making it flee from the patio.

Amongst the frightened royal was a worried mother.

"Alyssa," Queen Kathy ran towards the opposite direction. "Alyssa is in her room."

 Ison Vis stood in front of the Queen to stop her. "The princess is safe in her room." 

"No," Queen Kathy shook her head. "She's safer by my side."

"Your safety is our priority." Ison Vis insisted. 

Queen Kathy glared at Ison Vis. "I will not go without my daughter."

Ison Vis stood on his ground. "Guard!" he shouted. 

A guard answered the summon.

"Bring the princess to the throne room safely."

The guard saluted and ran towards the princess' chambers.

"Alyssa…" Queen Kathy wanted to get her daughter herself.

"My Queen," Ison Vis said. "The Kingdom is under threat. We need to preserve our kind, or the princess will have no tomorrow."

Witch much hesitation, Queen Kathy finally agreed. "Alright."

Queen Kathy was not the only one concerned. "Ali!" Kiva was about to run towards the princess, but her father locked her in his arms. 

"Stay by my side." A smile creeped on Cliff's face. "Let the Queen get her own daughter."

Was Kiva imagining it or her father was enjoying the commotion? She looked once again to her father and saw his brows furrowed. No, Kiva shook her head, she must have been imagining it. 

They then proceeded to travel to the throne room.

"Make sure no royal is to get bitten." Queen Kathy instructed to the guards that surrounded the group of royals.

Those that were bitten by Cici, the French bulldog, helped each other to tend on their wounds.

"Behead those that were bitten." Queen Kathy ordered. "Do not leave one with a head intact."

King Garrett drew a sword from the nearest guard. He loomed over the injured and defenseless attendants, and without hesitation decapitated their necks one by one. 

The royals left the patio in a mess, with wasted food and shattered plates, with blood on the floor and heads rolled off the owner's body.

The royals managed to get inside the throne room safely---thanks to the sacrifice of the two of the guards---and locked themselves in. 

"How did they get inside the palace," Cliff tapped on his toes. "let alone the town's gate."

"Zenalda." Ison Vis straightened his tie. "She attempted to cure her pets."

Murmurs began amongst the royals.

Duke Emil shook his head. "There is a reason why feeding animals the vaccine is forbidden under our law." 

"This is bad. What are we going to do?" Cliff paced back and forth. "The princess is still out there!" he said in an attempt to disturb the Queen.

"Ali," Kiva, his daughter, was disturbed too. "She's alone out there, we need to get her."

"This will be contained." Ison Vis assured the royals. "Queen Kathy?"

Cliff was successful. Queen Kathy was not in her right mind, she was concerned about her daughter's safety. She cannot trust her daughter's life to the perishables after all. She fumbled with her necklace as she looked round the room. "Where is Ziloh?"

"He's in town, my Queen." Kiva answered. "Probably hunting." she mumbled to herself.

"I can fetch your daughter." Garrett offered her service to the Queen. "Bring her in here."

Queen Kathy pondered for a moment. "No, we cannot afford you to become infected." An infected Garrett would be dangerous for the palace. She had a better plan. "Ziloh." Queen Kathy whispered as the necklace burned under her touch.

Seeing the Queen unsettled, Ison Vis took command. "Close our gate!" he commanded to the head guard. "Do not let anyone, or anything, leave the palace tonight." 


Ziloh, who was strolling down the flee market, smelled blood in the air. His head jerked towards the palace with his eyes wide open--- death filled the air.

The towns people looked up in the sky as flocks of birds flew away from the palace.

It turns out Ziloh won't be able to feed for the night.

A woman in skimpy clothes swayed towards Ziloh, but all it took was for her to blink and Ziloh was gone. Confused, the woman looked left and right looking for Ziloh, but she did not found him.

Ziloh rushed towards the palace gate, seeing the guards--- who were usually bored and sleepy--- alert and tense.

"Town visit is not allowed tonight." The guard at the gate said to an attendant.

"But it's my day off today!" The attendant argued. "It's my birthday!"

"Orders from above." The guard simply said. "Get permission from the Queen herself and I'll let you take a step out of the palace."

"Hmp!" The attendant stamped on her feet and turned around, knowing that it was impossible.

The guards saluted as they saw Ziloh entering the palace, they then gathered at the gate and pushed--- it took ten young men to finally close it shut.

Ziloh placed his hands in his pocket and inhaled the air deeply. He could smell fresh blood, wet fur, and decay. 

Ziloh smirked, he may not have his meal, but he might have some entertainment tonight.

As if as punishment, his body suddenly turned numb. His body not following his will, but of another. He walked slowly towards the pull, going against it as much as his can. But his heavy steps suddenly went faster as his body began to run without his approval--- until he was in front of the throne room. 

The Queen was a little bit impatient tonight. 

Seeing that the room was locked, Ziloh opened the door forcibly. 

The line of guards with their weapons drawn out, ready for battle, welcomed him. But they brought it to their side when they saw it was another royal.

Releasing her hold on her necklace, Queen Kathy stood up from her throne and ran towards the door, confronting Ziloh. "Alyssa." was the only thing she said.

Now that the name was said, Ziloh noticed that she was not in the room. The thought that she was alone outside, not knowing anything, bothered him.

On his peripheral view, he saw his little sister, with her arms wrapped around Cliff, staring at him like some kind of an exotic animal.

"From graves and bones, Ziloh." Queen Kathy said hurriedly. "Protect my daughter and bring her to me."

Ziloh's eyes glinted red, he bowed to the Queen and walked away from the room.

Ziloh walked slowly in the hallway, inhaling the air around him. He could always smell Alyssa's fragrance from his bracelet, but her smell in the air was faint. But it was already enough to track her.

Infected attendants who walked towards him would fall on the ground with their heads decapitated. His movements were too fast for a human eye capture, but he beheaded them with his bare hands--- leaving a trail of bodies--- and head---behind him.

The faint smell was getting closer as Ziloh saw an infected guard with a smashed head, lying on the floor. He rounded the corner, following the source of the banging sound. 

There were two infected attendants walking in front of a closed door. Ziloh stood behind them and their heads slipped away from their neck--- their eyes, remained wide open.

Alyssa's scent lingered in the area--- she was inside the room. 

Ziloh knocked on the door thrice, but there was no response.

"Princess," he knocked twice. "open the door."

He heard the lock bolted open and Alyssa's small face peeked at the door, her emerald eyes studying him.

"Ziloh?" Alyssa looked straight into his eyes. "Is that really you?"

Ziloh smirked. "Who else would save a princess in distress?"