Have I ever mentioned that I just found out about this? I found about it about three weeks ago when my arm started to feel sore and dried out. But then day by day my arm started to randomly have cuts and it also would randomly bleed. My mom thought I had depression, but my family and school treat me well. once I woke up with my bed drenched in blood, and my dad called the emergency room. They could not find any cause. However, they then studied my DNA for about a month. They think I'm heading to recovery but I think I'm going into a bag load of disaster.
My second before the last class of the day, I was called down to the office and for early dismissal. I almost choked on my own spit. I felt the sudden emerge of panic rush over me. Hoping It is not a surgery appointment, I arrive at the school office in the middle of the day. I then spot that It's not my mom nor my dad but its someone I've never met before. ''Thank you, Ma, am, Have a nice day.'' The man said to the Principal. He did not say anything to me, but he did look strangely smart in his black work suit and dark sunglasses. He then leads me through the door. ''Hello," The awkward man said. I looked at him but did not make a peep, I was scared since I thought I was being kidnapped. ''I'm, Brizon Mccart nice to meet you.'' I Look Down and mumble,'' I'm Maddix Welldrew.'' I keep my head down but I have the feeling that he is staring right into my soul. He then says,'' I know, I was sent by my boss to collect you for examination.'' I stop as a big wave of anxiety rushes over me. "Examination? Do my parents know?'' Then I look up at him and he stares at me with no sign of emotion. No wonder why I thought he was awkward. He then says,'' Not yet, but they will be modified when they see you have not entered the car from a fake ''stay after school,'' program.
Brizon Mccart loads me into his car,'' Were will we be going?'' I then ask.''Well,'' he says,'' We will be going to a containment center for some studying,'' I look at him with a worried face and ask,'' What will they do to me?'' He stops looking at me and stares out the window then reply's in an I don't know kind of long drawn out answer. He then says, "all I know is that you have something we have never discovered before,'' the car then starts to move forwards,'' we?'' I say In a worried tone. But then he pauses for a second and says, ''yes, I am one of the virologists and I just needed to pick you up. Then another wave of mixed-up feelings with being nervous and a little bit of being scared. I'm scared of having anything done to me, surgery, broken bones, waxed eyebrows, and other things that may hurt. I was expecting the unexpected.