
"Why don't we make our base back where we came from. We are not far from it." said Talon.

"That is a good point. I think though if we are staying together we should know each other." I was watching the boys move to the left were they ran into a big well dressed woman.

"Joe what is getting to you about those boys?" Asked Peter. I shrugged as it looked like the talk became very heated.

"I'm Joseph Bingle. I am a technician in the airforce. You can call me Joe."

"Peter Dunn and my son Adrian he is four. I am a construction engineer. I served with Joe."

"Sue and Mandi Hatter. I worked as a chef in a once well known restaurant. I know Joe in high school that is why I followed him I trust his judgment last time I didn't I got in really big trouble. My husband went with the others."

"Pearl Harbor yeah I know I've heard them all. I am a mechanic, welder and machinist. Not married and never had a child. Sue is my sister in law. I am beginning to think my brother had the right idea. I didn't want to own."

"Talon Smith I am a weapons specialist. Joe was my college roommate. I hate the idea of being owned but I was following Pearl. Your the hottest girl I have ever met." He winked at her with his crooked smile. Her eyes widened and her face went a little pink.

"I am June Groves this is my son Richie. He is seven. I am Peter's cousin."

"It is very nice to meet all of you." My words were drawned out by the sounds of an explosion trash began to rained down. Talon dragged us into a old bus for protection.

I glimpsed the boys who was now standing alone now. I slipped over to them now a group of four. "Come over here for protection from the dibre."

"We don't need your help. Why are you being so clingy?" Kevin frowned snapping at me.

"I'm succor for pretty faces and have the hero syndrome you should stay with me to make sure I know my place." I gave him a grin. He hit me hard then handed me a little girl that looked older then her size.

I carried her to the bus Kevin help with Dillon a second woman that was looking with child but she could just be fat. We dodged dibre all the way to the bus.

"It was our chamber. We can't go back." Talon said.

"So we were better going with that men." Sue looked at me.

"No his city is a brothel and gender doesn't matter." The girl said. "I'm Trixie Hatter. This is my boy Dillon and my girls Kevina and Daina. It is sweet you helped us out. We have been kicked out of our home."

"Mom I would rather be known as a boy and they don't need to know that." argued Kevina.

"It is nice to meet you but now we have to find shelter. That we don't have to fight for." Peter said.

I thought out loud, "I think up in the air seems to be the best place, but maybe in like a boathouse."

"Where are we going to get that?" Kevina gumbled.

"We can build it out of this trash." I pointed out.

"I think we should stay on the land and cultivate it. We need a way to feed us I not going to fight over trash. I don't know if our money is even the currency here anymore. " Pearl said.

"What would we do if we were flying for money and food?" Talon asked.

"I was thinking of being a cargo ship, but having fresh food I know were came from. I just wondering if there is land out there. Who do we talk to prechuse land or is it if you can find and defend it you can keep it. Do anyone know how to do that and bottle?" I thought.

"We could even sale the surplus." Dillon said chipper.

"Joe has a point we are trained to build can we be farmers and ranchers." Sue said.

"June is a Ranger of sheep and pigs. She knows how to garden. We are all going to need to go outside our comfort zone." Peter said.

"We will have to protect our land from the dumping trash and this smog. we have a lot of work."

"We have to make it un desirable to hungry for the creation we are planning but we are only thirteen people and the four year old is useless."

"We have been a team before we can do it again. " I told Talon.

"We can't walk out of this town. I would rather fly to the farming states. Are there states left?" said June.

"States? your on north America. We run by the rich flying cities." said Daina.

"The you should get one of this easy to get out moving what do you need us to do to help Pearl." I said with me a half a smile.

"This clunker fits us we can start here. I don't like working hungry though." Pearl stepped up to the challenge. She began to order parts as she looked under the hood.

I began looking in the piles with Talon, Dillon, and Kevin. We found a newer bus it had no wheels it was on his head. I climbed in searching it for evidence of people staying in. I'd like to avoid conflict.

Seeing no one here I opened up the panel to see if it couldn't get it started. It wasn't to complicated except it needed a hand print of the driver. I have hacked that before.

I was able to get pasted it changing the signature driver to mine. I figured out how to flipped over to hover over the path of a road.

The others climbed in to go back to the others. They were eating their food rashens. "I found one in a little bit better shape."

"Yeah! We should get food blanket and what we could use to made food." Trixie said excitedly.

"The Walmart Corp should be here soon." said Daina she looked uncomfortable. I had a feeling we were in for a long night.