We ran into a wall with a guard at a closed gate. "State your business and get your I.D. out." he said gun in my face.
"Hello sir I want to travel through to Ohio heading to Utah. We would like to get some supplies as we go through." I showed my ID.
"We you going there?"
"To live."
"Is PA not good enough for you?" he snapped.
"I'll be straight I don't know what PA is like. If it is anything like New York I didn't found much appealing."
"It is nothing like that behind you. What are you doing with those children?" He was scanning the bus with a round disk computer.
"Raise them to adults hood teaching the reading writing and our own skills of choice them let them free to be and do what they please."
"Right why are some of them in my system as missing presons?"
"Oh it would be an honor to return them. I found them all hiding in a dark cave. I am sure that is hard to believe, but think about it would a kidnapper be glad to return them to their families and pray for there happiness. Ellinor are you willing to let those who have families here back to them?"
"Oh yes! yes please. Halaluia!" Ellinor celebrates. The guard raised his brow.
"You my enter and go to the house labeled 22. I will report my findings and bring their families to pick them up. You are to stay there until we get there story."
"Sure Thank you." I followed his instructions and plugged in the bus in and open its solar panels. The rest went in and we all began to bath. Talon and Peter point out the cameras and microphones sutally.
We found clothes and food. Sue when to making a large hearty dinner. "We staying here?" She asked me. I was pulled into help cut the vegetables.
"For the moment that is are plan they are being hospitable. A bath and a bad sound better than the bus." I spoke normally but guarded. "Do you feel comfortable here?"
She gave me a very small shake no. I nodded my understanding. We talked of the past.
One by one clean and bandaged children entered the kitchen sitting to eat. They all had clean new clothes on and short hair. Most likely to find and kill all the bugs. The girl were left a very short Bob as the boys hair was shaved clean off.
After a prayer over the meal we ate the meal Sue prepared Pearl went into the garage and began working on it. Talon went to help. We played in the yard with the children before putting them to bed.
I was laying in a room with five others door all looked windows too, "They didn't came today. Do you think they will enter at night?" Peter whispered his son cradled in his arms.
"I rigged the lights to all go on if anything opens. I don't like being watched."
"I have been talking to each child to learn their names and where they come from as they were bathing, so did Talon Pearl and June. They all have very different stories on how they ended up in that hole. I hope that they watching recorded it so we can move on."
"The place has a feel of control I have to control everything. I am not sure what to think of Ellinor or Trixie they have years behind them bad ones." Talon whispered.
"I'm having a hard time knowing what to trust or believe with everything." I whispered.
That night nothing happened though we kept watch. In the morning after breakfast three officers interviewed every child. Their is two couples that joyously united with their children. I watched carefully the children to see what they really felt.
After lunch two more couples came they took a good look at the children. One couple took two children of the youngest age comparing them to a photo. The second couple took one of the older children rejoicing.
In the garage Pearl Talon June and Richie worked on the bus. They recycle things from the trash. Also cleaning it well.
At dinnertime a well dressed couple came with two others. Those two others picked up their children quickly as the well dressed couple stayed for dinner introducing themselves as mr. and mrs. Honey the states governor. That made seven children back home all recognized and embraced each other.
"I here you are looking for a place to call home. My I ask what happened to your last home?" Mr. Honey began his interview of us.
"Sadly I exploded." I kepted to the truth, but also kept it short.
"Why do you have these children?"
"I was running for looters and hid in the cave they were in, but they chased us in and in order to save the children from the collapse of the cave I brought them on board."
"Looter? What they want?"
"Our food money sleeping bags. maybe the women and children there was only three at the start of the chase. After we shopped Walmart."
"Why were you there in the first place? Only trash is left there."
"So those children are trash. Seven missing children were reunited with there family. They ended up there by your hands.?" Demand June going into moma bear mold.
"No no. I don't have anything to do with them ending up there. I didn't mean to apply that." Mr. Honey said hastle.
"We scrounge for useful for Harbor Corp. " Pearl said. "We were attacked our big ship was destroy we have been trying to survive."
"Your home is Utah?" he asked we nodded.
"Wouldn't it be easier to live closer to the trash. We are a city that everyone is equal. We survive by pooling our assets and sharing everything. Your company sounds like a good asset to our state. You could rebuild our cars androids and computers. You could savage for the cyber works. You will have house food you would never have to worry." Mrs. Honey said her word sound convincing making good sense.
"Will I be able to be fitted with legs?" Trixie asked.
"Oh yes." Mrs. Honey nodded smiling.
"What about my own home? I am don't want to live in this house with thirty people. We are multiple families here." She pushed.
"Of course we can take you and your family to a house right now. How many are in your family?"
"My children are all over eighteen years old one is a single mother. I wanted to teach them a trade but circumstances didn't allow much. Do you have schools? "
"Why is she a single mother? We do not have prostitutes here."
"Does she get her own house and a job a chance to marry she has never been a prostitute?" The two women bantered.
"Who is the father then?"
"Dail Connor" Diana said.
"What!" Mr. Honey screamed "Get out." He stood up bumping the table. The children ran to the bus with Ellinor.
Trixie glared at them. "Why do you have a problem with Dail Connor?"
"He dumps his trash in and cheats us of our hard work for one. You will be escorted out." Mr. Honey said.
"Wait husband these people could be a great benefit to us."
"They could be spies." They argued.
I gathered the rest of us and grabbed some food our bags entering the bus. "Do you all have to go? Can't you stay and send off the offender." Mrs. Honey asked.
"No anyone of them could be spies for him." Mr. Honey said firmly.
We are all in the bus. I counted and closed the door. We pulled out to a band of soldiers. They are fully armed they marched us to the gate we entered. They closed the gate.
"Well that went well how are we doing to get to the other side to Ohio?" Kevin said frustrated.