Home stretch

I slept on the bed in my pilot's cab. I had the cats and three humans that I was stuck with laying with me. I need to learn their names.

"What is your name?" I asked stroking through her head.

"Sasha." I pointed to the baby girl on my stomach. "Her name is Lisa." I pointed to the boy between my legs. "I called him Eli, but the rest of the world knows him as Gali. The zoo did a promotion name the cat lady children. I don't have cats their names are tiger and lion."

"So one with stripes is tiger.?" I asked.

"You would think that but tiger had stripes when kitten and grew out of most of them were lion had very little stripes and now has a lot but they shave him so he has a main." I smiled at that.

"She is pregnant and Lisa has some pretty bad allergies if you want to find them good homes." She was interrupted by the speaker from outside rang.

I went over to the com. "Hello." I could see the sun was just coming up. I sat in my chair.

"Hello I am here to ask you to come quietly."

"You are? Did I do something wrong?"

"Your Joe the trash picker who broke out of the Connor zoo. I am sure your feeling cramped with so many people in there" I turn off the speaker.

"Tammy did we destroy the tracker?" I asked her calling into her bed. Nessy barked.

"Yes except your cats. I hit them with a hammer burned them in a barrel then drowned them."

"Thank you."

"Are you there?" the man asked.

"I can't say I am Joe or feeling cramped it is pretty empty in here just the two of us going to travel to Hawaii it's our honeymoon. We heard their is a simulator that can take you there as if you were there in the area."

"You think your clever, but you are stupid. You are not going anywhere has got you surrounded."

"I think you have the wrong person. Do you think you could let us through I want to get to the beach before night fall."

"Sasha the cat is in your trailer she will always be a beacon to her wear abouts. The cats have one too. We will always be able to find you."

I scanned all three of them. I found the ears and tail sent out waves but not for tracking. The children had nothing how she kept them protected from being tampered or taken caused me to wonder. The cats collar sent out a wave that I looked at found it was counting down.

"I persevered you are finding that they are bombs. When they are not in a certain place that has an answering frequency they start counting down."

"So if I hold them hostage until the last second and hand them over to you that you will blow up. Sounds like a good plan."

"Your not that heartless. " She said to me a bit scared.

I turned on the speaker again, "You should write action novels that sounds so cool. I'm telling ye you got the wrong guy." While I talked I worked my way through the codes to the collars. Once off they where handed over to Peter to find a target to blow up with a remote control car.

Then I worked on sasha's tail and ears. "I know your the right one. I like your plane that can look like different vehicles. It had me stumped for a while as you drove on a road like a regular trailer. What else can it do?"

"It has been nice talking to you your imagination is fantastic. I do have to go though it is my turn to cook breakfast." I clicked off but kept the sound on to hear what he had to say.

With a magnet I disconnected the ears off sasha then the tail. I kept the magnets connected. I then put them on my android. I commanded it to run south. Then sent him outside without opening any door.

"I will never go back." it repeated as it took off.

"After her!" The man yelled. He then push the speaker com "You gave yourself away. You are Joe now hand over the children."

"Sir it's and android it blow when it hit the water of the bird refuge."

"What I must of miss calculated it was going to get my breakfast. We are you still messing with my com I'm trying to get breakfast." I spoke through the com. Then I started my engine.

"You are surrounded we are ready to shoot. surrender we can work things out." He used the com again.

"there is no dirty to pick up to hid us." Greg said.

"Stink bomb smoke screen shooting we have the works use them." I could see Ben next to Peter they were preparing to fire.

"I got an idea let make it look like we exploded you can shoot us fast in the air right."

"That depends on if there is a ship above us and it's size." I told him.

"I'm ready. You?" Peter asked.

I nodded I ready us to look like a flying object left from the explosion. A count down commenced because timing was everything. 5 4 3 2 1 BOOM.

I flew up into the air not straight but with no direct but way from the spot. I also let us fall in and arch to land softly on the road looking like a supply truck with frozen food identical to the one next to me.

"Wow that was amazing." Ben shouted.

"The question now is did they notice and send eye to see where the pieces went. I saw it had a lot of light. I don't believe so."

"So were home?"

"It is quite a ways away traveling north."

"We are going south." Sue said.