Story 4: The Stalking Jack

Jack lived with his mother in a small cottage with a malnourished cow. His mother needed money to buy more food but she couldn't think of how she could gain more money, till she heard the cow mooing. Then she got an idea about selling the cow to other people for some money. When her son Jack heard what she said he was mortified. Betty the cow has been with Jack since he was a kid. To Jack, Betty was not just a cow but his friend and sister.

Jacks mother demanded that he sells Betty right this instant otherwise he would never be able to come home once he step foot outside pass the door. Jack knew that his mother was dead serious about what she said. Having no other choice he took Betty and headed for the market. Along the way memories started popping up one by one of his time together with Betty, his good time and bad time together they spent.

He remembered eating his first meat with Betty watching, the meat was so good and bloody. He would be reminded of the taste every time he heard Betty mooing. He didn't know if cow could feel emotions but he knew that Betty was special because she could feel the emotion of sadness, that day when he ate meat for the first time right after Betty was born.

Jack would remember feeding Betty his white pee since he couldn't produce milk. How's Betty teeth would scrape him down there, her mushy and hairy mouth pressing against him sucking as much white pee as possible but it would never be enough for a growing calf. So using the leftovers of the dead carcass he kept for the first weeks, he would carefully chop a couple kilograms of meat and feed it into her mouth and he chewed it himself first without having to worry about Betty choking of the food.

At one point he remembered his father returned home drunk feeling hungry till he laid his eyes on Betty. That day Betty almost ended up just like her mother but it would have been my father who would do the deed instead of me. Luckily that day Jack was at home with his mother talking about marriage for he would soon come of age in two years time. That day a painful moo was heard, Jack knew something was wrong and rushed to the scene. Jack saw his father was about to kill Betty before he knew it he rushed up and kicked his father in between his legs. His father trembled before tumbling down, groaning in agony and pain. The pain sobered him up instantly, he looked up to see his son staring him down with a shovel in his hand thinking that at least it wasn't the shovel. That day, Jack and his father got into an argument about the incident with Betty and how Jack had hit him. At the end of the argument Jacks father packed his tings and left as his wife stood silently beside her son, watching her husband walked away with his items.

That might've been the only bad moment he had with Betty, either way he had arrived at the market. Jack signed knowing he had to shout and advertise Betty hoping someone would buy her.

Jack shouted, "a good delicious female cow for sale! Not too old just the right age for her tender meat. 100% guaranteed from me, the one who killed and ate her mother right in front of her eyes! Come one come all check this piece of meat out".

A couple minutes later a frail young girl came up and offer to purchase Betty from him at a good price. Jack didn't respond, his eyes was staring at the girl mouth, nose, face, t*ts and body as if he had never seen such a f*ck*ble body before. He accepted the deal immediately completely forgetting about his sister/friend Betty who he grew up with. After accepting the money the girl took Betty away, Jack stood still with his eyes still on the girl. As she slowly moves away, Jack started moving in her direction slowly keeping at least 6 metre gap between and turning his body when necessary to avoid suspicion.

After about 3 hours later, the girl finally stopped outside a house with Betty beside her. She pushed Betty inside and said, "please butcher it for me I would like to treat father to some meat dishes cooked by me. Once your finish send it to the usual place before the sun set".

The girl left and continues walking, unbeknownst to her Jack was still following her. 30 minutes later she stopped again outside a different house slightly damaged and entered. Seeing she enter, Jack tried to see if he could enter without alerting her and the pedestrians walking by. He didn't succeed because someone called out to him for being suspicious, Jack turned and ran away before any other person could react.

After running and running he realised he was back outside the cottage where his mother was. He entered inside throwing a bag of money at his mother startling her and entering his room to sleep. Jacks mother didn't think he would actually return with money but he did and she was happy for him. Later in the night with her sleeping, Jack got up and sneak away with a knife in hand. This time knowing the distance he ran and jog to that place where the girl had entered.

Jack had arrived outside the girl 'home'. With no pedestrians insight he tried his best to enter without making too much sound. Once he was able to open the door and enter, he gently closed the door as quietly as possible. Jack started entering each room till he found someone.

The first person he saw was an old man with features similar to his father but was fatter and older. Jack guess that he was the girl father and may try to stop him if he may too loud of a sound, so the next best thing was to kill him in his sleep. Jack tried to find if there was a spare pillow of blanket he could find. He found a slightly dirty one but he didn't care at this moment. He grabbed it in his left hand and ready his knife on his right hand. He quietly laid the knife just a few inches away from the neck and forcefully ready himself for how fast and decisive he had to be. Jack slit the mans throat and stuff the pillow onto the mans face quickly, letting the man suffocate from blood gushing out his neck and depriving air circulation from his nostril. Within 45 seconds the man died from loss of blood and air. Jack picked up his knife with the used pillow and continued to the next room.

Many rooms searching later he had finally found her sleeping in the bed. He took out the pillow from its sheets and used the sheet as a quick rope. He poked to see if she's still asleep. He couldn't decide the best way he would have her with the pillow sheet rope in hand. Jack thought about how he would even hide the girl from his mother but thinking about how he wouldn't be able to, he decide to ra*e the girl after stuffing and tying her mouth shut.

That's exactly what he did, stuff something into her mouth which lead to her opening her eyes in fright and tying her mouth as she started struggling. Afterward tossing her so that she laid flat on her stomach, he took his knife and stab her from behind to let her know that he was armed. The slowly stopped struggling as the pain surged into her, she cried in tears and whimpering in pain. Jack seeing as how she had reacted he ripped her clothes off, lowered his pants and stuck his member into her virgin hole as she gave out a muffled scream. As he started moving, he removed the knife that had stabbed her and started stabbing her waist over and over again as he moved. The girl started struggle more and more after finding out what was happening to her but it was getting harder to struggle she bleed till she stopped moving entirely. Jack didn't care she had died and just continue what he had started. After many stabs and mutilation later Jack had finally spurted his 3rd one from his member. After he was satisfied he got dressed, took his knife and rob the place before making his way back home with a smile on his face whistling in a joyful manner.

Jack never knew of such pleasure and riches, he knew this was amazing for his first time and definitely won't be his last.

The End