A Strange Place

A voice said. "Where am I? What is this place?"

A man attempted to shield his eyes from the sun as he looked at his surroundings.

Everywhere around him was sand. It didn't matter which direction. 

The man said. "How did I get here?" He sat up and continued to look at the sand around him.

A voice said from behind the man. "Another one was sent by the Nameless One."

The man instinctively raised his left arm up and grabbed for something on his back. The hilt of a sword. 

The man said as he held onto the hilt. "Who are you?" He looked backwards toward where the sound of the voice was coming from. 

The man didn't see a figure of any kind. The only thing he saw was sand. 

The man said. "Playing tricks, huh? Show yourself!"

The voice said angrily from the direction the man was originally facing. "Tricks? Only cowards use tricks!"

The man looked back toward the original direction as he said. "What?!"  

The man saw the bottom of a red boot but was unable to react in time.

The boot crashed into his face and sent the man flying across the ground until he landed in sand a few yards away from his original position.

The man looked up and saw a figure walking toward him. The figure had bulky, red armor that covered their whole body besides their face. The figure's face was covered up by a crimson mask. 

The man thought. "What type of armor is that? I've never seen it before."

The crimson masked figure continued to walk toward the man. They also had a greatsword strapped to their back which they grabbed by the hilt and pulled out. 

The man backed away from the figure as he said. "Set?" He suddenly grabbed the hilt of his sword. "No, you're Mars aren't you?" He pulled the sword off his back. 

The crimson masked figure known as Mars said. "So you're a Scarion then?" He chuckled and said. "Good. I've been wanting to fight one of you!"

The man, the Scarion, leapt off the ground. He glared at Mars angrily. "So it really is you!" He charged toward Mars.

Mars didn't move. He stood still as he watched the Scarion get closer.  

The Scarion quickly covered the distance between the two of them and swung his sword at Mars. 

The sword hit nothing though. Mars had disappeared. 

The Scarion thought. "What?! How did he-"

The Scarion suddenly felt a blade rip through his back. Excruciating pain went throughout his body. He thought. "That's… impossible."

The Scarion collapsed onto the sand beneath him. His vision began to fade away as he stared at the sand.

Mars said from behind the Scarion. "You're already finished? What a pathetic mortal." 

The Scarion heard Mars walk away from him as his vision faded away completely.