
Maximus spit up blood onto the ground. The blade retracted out of his chest. Maximus fell toward the ground.

The woman with the black armor known as Astaysia stood behind Maximus. She wielded a blood covered short sword in her left hand. 

Maximus collapsed onto the ground in front of Astaysia. 

Minimus froze. He looked at Maximus with shock as he thought. "Maximus... Maximus is...!" He continued to stare at Maximus with shock as he thought. "Sister... Sister will...!" 

Asterios stared at Maximus and then looked over at Astaysia. "You broke... the code..." 

Astaysia pressed her right fore finger against her lips and said. "The code?" She formed a flirtatious smirk as she said. "Aww are you upset big guy? Should I kiss you to make you feel better?" She blew Asterios a kiss. 

Asterios glared at Astaysia angrily as he said. "You dare disrespect the Warrior's Code?!" 

Astaysia's flirtatious smirk transformed into a regular smirk as she said. "Warrior?" She placed her right hand on her chin as she said. "But, aren't you the one that said he isn't a warrior?" 

Asterios glared at her with even more anger than before. 

Astaysia continued to smirk as she said. "Aww did you change your mind, Alex? How cute. So, someone refusing to lose to an inferior being is all it takes for you to change your mind?"

Asterios remained silent but continued to glare at Astaysia angrily. 

Astaysia frowned and said. "How disappointing. I would've expected something better from the First Supreme Slasher." She laughed and said. "But, you are the Crown Prince of the Maxidus Empire first and foremost, right?"

A confused expression crossed Minimus's face as he thought. "Crown Prince...? Maxidus Empire...? When did the Kingdom of Maxidus become an empire...?!" 

Asterios said. "I've already abandoned those titles." 

Astaysia said with surprise. "You abandoned them?!" She pressed her right index finger against her lips again as she squirmed and said with an innocent tone of voice. "W-Will you... abandon me too...?" 

Asterios's and Minimus's faces changed to clear irritation.

Maximus moved his left hand forward. He moved forward across the ground toward Asterios.  

Astaysia smirked as she saw Maximus crawl. She said to Maximus. "Oh? You can still move?" She crushed Maximus's back with her right foot.

Maximus stopped moving. 

Asterios glared at Astaysia angrily and he said with anger. "Move!"

Astaysia smirked and said. "Oh? You want me to move, Alex?" She moved her right foot to the right and then to the left as she continued to crush Maximus's back. She continued to smirk as she said. "Does this upset you, Alex?"

Minimus gritted his teeth and thought as he clenched his right fist. "She's annoying!" 

Asterios moved his right foot forward. The ground cracked beneath his foot.

Astaysia continued to press her right foot into Maximus's back as she smirked and said. "Am I upsetting you, Alex? Does crushing this fake warrior upset you?" 

Asterios said. "Fake?" The cracks in the ground underneath his right foot widened. 

Astaysia laughed and said. "Oh? So, are you trying to say this piece of trash is a real warrior?" She bent down and grabbed Maximus's hair with her right hand. She lifted Maximus's head up and showed it to Asterios. 

Astaysia continued to laugh as she said. "Someone like this could never be a real warrior!" She let go of Maximus's light brown hair. 

Maximus's head fell face down into the sand.

The cracks in the ground underneath Asterios's right foot widened again. Asterios disappeared from where he was standing.

Asterios appeared next to Astaysia's right side. He threw a punch toward Astaysia's face. 

Before Astaysia could react Asterios's fist connected with her face. She flew twice the distance across the ground that Maximus flew. She completely flew out of the circle of armored figures and landed on her back close to Asterios's greatsword.

The ground was completely cracked beneath Asterios. Asterios said as he stared at Astaysia. "You dare interrupt my fight and disrespect my opponent?" He stepped forward with his right foot. The ground shook beneath his right foot. He stepped forward with his left foot. The ground shook beneath his left foot.

Astaysia did not move or say anything in response. 

Minimus thought. "Did he kill her?" He looked over at Asterios's blood covered right fist and thought. "Just with one punch?" He watched Asterios walk toward Astaysia and thought. "Is this the power of a Supreme Slasher?!"  

Asterios continued to walk toward Astaysia and the ground continued to shake beneath his feet. He said as he walked forward. "You claimed he wasn't a warrior but yet he took two hits from me." He continued to walk toward Astaysia who still wasn't moving and said. "You can't even handle one?" 

Astaysia coughed up blood. Her blood flew into the air and then fell back on her. She sat up. She stabbed her sword into the ground. She muttered something that neither Minimus or Asterios could hear. 

Asterios said as he continued to walk toward Astasyia. "So, you can still move?"

Astaysia grabbed the hilt of her sword and lifted herself off the ground. She held onto the hilt of her sword with her left hand as she stood. She looked down at the ground. Blood dripped from her body onto the sand.

Asterios continued to walk toward Astaysia.

Astaysia muttered something as she looked down at the ground and then she started laughing. 

Asterios stopped walking. 

Astaysia continued to laugh as she said. "How wonderful... How wonderful!" A flirtatious smirk appeared on her face as she stared at Asterios and said. "Such... power!" Her flirtatious smirk changed into a flirtatious smile as she said in a seductive tone. "You're a man... worthy of your title..." She pressed her right index finger against her lips. 

Asterios's face changed into clear irritation. He said in an annoyed tone. "Even in that condition... you're still an irritation."

Astaysia said. "My condition?" She let go of her sword and walked forward toward Asterios. Her body swayed back and forth as she walked as if she was about to fall down. Blood fell from her body into the sand as she walked toward Asterios. She said in a seductive tone as she walked toward Asterios. "Are you going to... take responsibility, Alex?" 

Minimus thought with an irritated tone. "She should've stayed unconscious."

Asterios said. "That is not my name." 

Astaysia stopped walking. She stood next to Asterios's greatsword. She smiled as she looked at Asterios's greatsword and said. "Then is this not your sword?"

Asterios looked at his sword and then looked at Astaysia as he said. "Do you intend to face me with my own sword?" 

Astaysia said. "Face you? With your sword?" She blushed and said as she rubbed her stomach. "I-I'm not ready yet." She winked at Asterios. 

A woman's voice yelled out. "Alexander, watch out!" 

Asterios and Minimus looked at the source of the voice. 

The woman with the silver armor held onto the hilt of her sword, which was stabbed into the ground, with her left hand. She panted as she yelled out. "She's going to take your sword!"

Minimus thought with surprise. "Wait, what?!" 

Asterios and Minimus both turned and looked back at Astaysia. 

Astaysia had the hilt of Asterios's greatsword in her left hand. She had a flirtatious smirk on her face as she said. "Come find me, Alex! Come face me at the end of this world!" She blew Asterios a kiss and then immediately disappeared. 

Both Astaysia and Asterios's greatsword were nowhere to be seen. They had both completely vanished. 

Minimus thought as he looked at the empty space Astaysia and Asterios's sword were previously. "She's gone?" He looked around the entire area and thought. "She's really gone?" He looked over at the empty space again and thought. "She killed him and then left..." His left hand slipped off the hilt of his sword. He fell onto his knees and then onto his hands as he thought. "Brother is gone... And now Sister will be gone too..." He slammed his right fist into the sand in anger as he thought. "Dang it! Dang it! Dang it!" He slammed his right fist into the sand again with even more force than before as he thought. "Why?! Why can't I save anybody?!" He collapsed into the sand.

Minimus thought as he laid in the sand. "Wait... Brother...?" He looked at Maximus again. 

Maximus laid in a puddle of his own blood. He had a hole in his back that went all the way through his chest. The rest of his armor was slightly damaged. His head was on his left cheek facing to his right.  Maximus's face was covered in blood and his eyes were closed. 

Minimus thought as he looked at Maximus. "Even after everything... I still consider you my brother...?" 

From Minimus's angle it could not be seen. But, on Maximus's lifeless face was a slight smile.