The least? Or the greatest?

Minimus smirked cockily and said. "Try and take it?" He began to walk toward Maximus as he said. "Do you really think you can beat me? I've beaten you every time before. Do you really think it will be any different now? The result will be the same." He thought sadly. "I'm sorry, Brother, under ordinary circumstances, I would let you win. But, this is the only way I can save you..."

Maximus thought. "He's right. I've never beaten him before. But, it will be different this time." He glared at Maximus and thought. "I won't let him take this name..."

Minimus looked at Maximus and thought. "He doesn't have a weapon." He tossed his sword into the sand as he continued to walk toward Maximus and thought. "So I won't use one either..."

Maximus noticed Minimus tossed his sword into the sand and thought. "Is he trying to fight me without a weapon?" He had an angry expression on his face as he thought. "Does he think I'm that easy?!" He clenched his right fist and then dashed toward Minimus.

Minimus stopped walking and looked at Maximus as he thought. "So you want to have the first attack?" He smirked and thought. "Then come and hit me, Brother! Try and use that technique on me that you used to kill Mardochaios! Let me experience firsthand how powerful you've become!"

Maximus threw his right fist towards Minimus's face, and it connected. His fist collided with Minimus's face.

Minimus did not move at all from Maximus's attack. He just stood and stared at Maximus as he thought. "That was it...?"

Maximus thought as he looked at Minimus. "I hit him, right? How come nothing happened?"

Minimus laughed cruelly as he said in a demeaning tone. "Was that really the best you've got?! That was so pathetic!" He clenched his left hand together into a fist and launched it into the right side of Maximus's chest.

Maximus braced himself before Minimus's fist hit his chest. Maximus then had a confused look on his face as he thought. "It hit? I barely even felt it."

Both Maximus and Minimus looked at each other and thought. "Was he always this weak?"

Minimus smirked and said. "This is gonna be easier than I thought."

Maximus said. "I'm the one who should be saying that!" He launched his right fist toward Minimus's face.

Minimus smacked away Maximus's fist with the back of his left hand before it could hit him. He then launched his right fist toward the left side of Maximus's face.

Maximus took the hit to the face but looked completely unfazed and thought. "Punching isn't working... I need to try something else..." He grabbed Minimus's silver armor with his left hand.

Minimus looked confused as he thought. "Huh? What are you grabbing me for? Let go!"

Maximus swung his right leg for a wide kick into the left side of Minimus's chest.

Minimus swung his left hand down at Maximus's wrist.

Maximus's left hand remained latched to Minimus's silver armor. His right kick struck the left side of Minimus's chest.

Mimimus coughed and lurched over as he felt the force of the kick hit the left side of his chest. "Is all of his strength in his legs?!"

Maximus thought. "It worked!" He wrapped both of his arms around the back of Minimus's neck and squeezed Minimus's face into his chest. He then began striking Minimus in the chest repeatedly with his right knee.

Pain coursed through Minimus's body as he repeatedly got hit in the chest, and he thought. "Am I actually going to lose?! But, I need to win this for his sake!"

Maximus continued to strike Minimus in the chest repeatedly as he thought. "This still isn't enough!"

Minimus began to feel weak. He reached out his left hand weakly and grabbed the underside of Maximus's right leg. He then stepped forward and caused Maximus to fall over.

Maximus thought as he fell toward the ground. "He knew how to counter that?!" His back hit the sand. He looked up at Minimus, who was looking down at him.

Minimus smirked cockily as he looked down at Maximus and said. "Get up! We're not done yet!"

Maximus had an angry expression on his face as he jumped back onto his feet and said. "I was just getting started!"

Maximus launched his right leg into Minimus's side.

Minimus blocked Maximus's kick with his left foot. He smirked and said. "That is not going to work on me twice." He swung his right fist towards Maximus's face.

Minimus's fist connected with Maximus's face, but once again, Maximus looked unfazed by the attack.

Minimus then launched his left fist towards Maximus's face and right fist again. The result never changed. Maximus looked unfazed no matter how many times he got hit.

Minimus thought with unease. "I thought he was just faking it at first, but do none of my hits hurt him?"

Maximus bent his knees and brought his body down low. He then launched his right fist upward toward Minimus's chin and collided with it.

Minimus could feel the pain coursing through his skull as his whole head was forced to look up at the sky. He swayed back and forth as he attempted to stand in place.

Maximus looked at Minimus, trying not to fall over and thought. "It's over. I've won." He looked at the man with crimson armor and thought. "Announce this battle is over already."

Minimus thought as his body continued to sway back and forth. "Is this... the end...? Did I just... lose...?" His right leg gave out. His body started to fall toward the sand beneath him. As he fell, he saw Maximus's back. He had a determined look in his light red eyes. He firmly planted his right leg into the ground and then launched himself toward Maximus's back.

The girl with the club yelled out. "Maximus, look out!"

Maximus thought with surprise. "What?!"

Minimus grabbed a hold of Maximus's back and then slipped his left arm underneath Maximus's chin. He put his right arm onto Maximus's shoulder and grabbed his right bicep with his left hand. He grabbed the top of Maximus's head with his right hand. As soon as he grabbed the top of Maximus's head with his right hand, he squeezed his left arm into Maximus's throat with all his might.

Maximus panicked as he tried to pry Minimus's left arm away from him with both of his hands but was unsuccessful. He thought as he continued to try and pry Minimus's left arm from him. "What is this? How do I escape from this?"

The girl with the club yelled out. "Isn't that cheating?! Chokes aren't allowed in a fight!"

The man with crimson armor laughed mischievously and said. "Can you truly be called the greatest if you can't break out of a choke?"

Maximus's face began to become rapidly red. He struggled to breathe as he said. "Can't... breathe..."

Minimus had a pained expression on his face as he thought. "I'm sorry, Brother... But, this is the only way I can beat you!" He squeezed harder into Maximus's throat.

Maximus's vision began to fade. Everything was beginning to disappear. He thought as everything disappeared. "I... lost..."