The Demon King.

The dust slowly settled. I could feel stones cover parts of my body and an unbearable pain in both of my legs as well as my left arm. In front of me, I could hear the sounds of rhythmic stomps from metal covered feet. I opened my eyes to reveal horror.

The Demon King's army has begun marching into the city. Monsters like hobgoblins, lizard men, and undead abominations stomped forward. Dwarven soldiers that were still on their feet attempted a futile resistance, but were quickly cut down. Their blood littered the floor.

I tried to breathe, only to be met with pain in my chest that made breathing nearly impossible. I coughed as dust left my mouth.

I heard stones shuffling behind me as another person began to cough. Their desperate attempts to breathe reverberated around beside the sounds of the metallic steps on stone.

"K-Kenji? Kany? E-Erana?" Tael called out. His voice was hoarse and clearly desperate.