This Hero and The Slums!

We marched down the cobblestone streets of Ruks. On a few occasions, guards would wave to us as we made our progress towards Strondo street. The farther we went, however, the fewer guards there were. Eventually, there were simply no guards at all.

The buildings were in disrepair and the few people that were walking around were dirty. They smelled as if they hadn't bathed in days or even weeks. The look in their eyes was the same no matter who I peered at.

They were uninterested in everything going on around them.

It's not as if they didn't notice us walk by. Some people even stepped out of the way specifically to let us through. The people simply seemed to be in their own little world as we walked onwards, as if they were in some kind of trance. They moved about the area without issue, but they didn't seem to have purpose within their movements.

It's like they've given up or something.