This Hero and The Scheme!

We descended into the basement as the dust filled the air around us. The darkness grew stronger the further down we went until Erana had to cast Smokeless Flame to let us see.

We walked quietly as we carried the burden of Kany's family on our backs and arms. Each step felt as if it took minutes as we descended further and further until eventually we arrived at the basement.

It's rather large, sporting a stone walled and floored interior. There are a few doors here that are made of wood, but the main room of the basement itself seems to be two and a half meters tall, five meters wide, and seven meters long.

I let out a slow exhale as I released the tension in my shoulders.

"Okay… Kany, your family can stay here for now." I sighed out as I began to place her father onto the ground, resting his back against one of the stone walls.