This Hero Observes!

We awoke in the morning to the sound of my stone device letting off a rhythmic beeping noise. I have heard it many times before, so I instinctually placed my hand on the stone and pushed down upon it to stop the repeating sound.

The alarm seems to have also woken Erana up. She lifted her head off of my shoulder immediately and, with her maroon face, gave me a wide-eyed stare.

This situation has happened a few times already. The nights we spent outside of the walls would occasionally get cold, and Erana is the type of person that gravitates to heat sources it seems. Maybe it's just my fire core, but I have a rather high body temperature on average.

"Morning." I raised my hand and said as casually as I could.

"G-Good morning, Kenji-san!" Erana looked away from me and turned her attention to whatever she could. In her quick glances, she noticed Tael lying on the ground.

"Hey, Tael, wake up." I called out.