Intermission 1 Part 3

As Bailey slowly rose to his feet, I tried to do something.

I reached my hand out. "N-NO!" I shouted, but it was too late.

The boys began throwing stones at Bailey as they pelted his small body. The squeaks and yelps from him ripped my soul apart as I watched blood emerge from his mouth.

I tried to stop the kids, but I'm too weak. They threw me off of them as they shoved me to the ground.

As I laid on the ground, I watched Bailey stop spasming.

He is no longer breathing.

With my mouth agape, I looked upon Bailey.

"I wouldn't feel too bad if I were you. Monsters don't own pets anyways. We were doing you a favor." The center boy laughed.

I didn't move my gaze from Bailey's corpse.

Is this my lot in life?

Was I born to suffer?

It wasn't his fault…


I just want a normal life…

I don't want to search for food anymore. I don't want to lose everything important to me. I didn't want Bailey to die…