This Hero Flies To The Frozen Mist Hills!

Once I finished making enough food for an army (or a very hungry rogue,) we said goodbye to Kany's family as we left our home.

I gave Kery five thousand juns just in case something were to happen, but that money is for emergencies only…

Irella is here. It should be fine… Probably.

Leo and Sarah solemnly waved us goodbye as they watched us walk towards the guild. Kany kept her mouth shut as she looked forwards.

"Don't worry. We'll be back." I muttered. Kany closed her eyes and nodded before she smiled.

"Yeah. We're just stopping the Demon King's army. It should take, what? The better part of an afternoon?" Tael jokingly asked. "I'll be able to finish my book by midnight!"

"Maybe I'll finally be able to learn how to knit!" Erana enthusiastically added.

"Why knitting specifically?" I asked.

Erana shrugged. "My father knew how to do it. I always thought it was interesting."