This Hero Heads To The Mines!

While the flames burned out on the ground around me, I kicked down the stone door that stood in my way as I left the building. Smoke billowed out from behind me as I trudged towards my compatriots.

"K-Kenji-san, where's the child?" Erana asked as she ran forward. I can already tell that she was prepared to give whatever medical attention possible to whatever emerged from this building, but I simply shook my head in response.

"It wasn't actually a kid. It was some freaky monster fetus."

"Monster fetus?" Tael repeated. His confusion was made self-evident in his tone.

"Yeah, it looked like a dwarven kid at first, but then it just kinda… transformed." I scratched the back of my head as I turned back towards the smoking building behind me. "Honestly it was rather interesting. The creature appeared to have some type of intelligence and I know hobgoblins can't come up with a strategy like that."