
The ocean breeze cooled my skin from the summer sun's heat. The waft of water underneath us made a constant noise that honestly became rather irritating the more I heard it.

Obviously, I'm not here for my leisure. I'm only here because Onii-san could get fixed and Sparkles-san is saying that taking us to his dad's place is a potential method for fixing the issues that have arisen. I think he's full of crap, personally, but it's better to try and fail than to throw in the towel before you start.

After we got on this boat, which Sparkles-san keeps insisting is called a "hoy" even though it's a boat and all boats are boats so they should be called "boat," we went into the cabins inside and promptly fell asleep. We had been awake for quite some time at that point, so it didn't take long for us all to drift away for a few hours.

That takes us to now.