An Unlikely Ally.

Everyone inside of the bar, aside from Erana, Idiot, and myself stared at my cards as if they were the most amazing thing in the world. I crossed my arms and smirked while I stepped towards the table.

"Well then, I guess I win! Time to spill it, old lady!" I pulled the chips towards me. This game had no money riding on it, but it still feels nice to feel my winnings.

"Wha-... But… How did you…?" The woman was at a loss for words while she fluttered her vision between myself and my cards.

"'How did I' what, exactly? Are you implying that I cheated?"

"Yes! I am!" The woman slammed her hand on the table. "The statistical odds of someone pulling a straight royal flush are one in six hundred and fifty thousand! There's no way you just happened to get that lucky! You didn't even check your cards! There must have been some trick!"