This Hero Answers Questions!

I, alongside the rest of my party, sat down in the chairs that were politely provided to us by the woman with frizzy curly hair. Her crazed look on her face alongside the mounds of clothing in every corner of this absurdly large room only amplified the insanity that is this person.

"Alright!" Taylor the tailor pulled up her own chair and sat in front of us. She split her legs apart and placed the back of the chair for her to rest on instead of a more traditional style.

"Let's get down to business! Who wants to go first?"

"Go first with what?" I asked.

"Alright then! You first!" Taylor pointed at me and smiled.

I suppose my question will not be answered.

"So… What is your name, weird looking one?" Taylor asked while she scooted her chair forward.

"I'm Kenji." I reluctantly answered while raising my eyebrow. "What does this have to do with getting a suit?"