This Hero: Imprisoned!

"Well that sucked." Kany groaned while she sat on the stone ground.

After the duel had ended, we were escorted (dragged) to the dungeons beneath the castle. I chose to not put up a fight, so this had been done to us rather easily, but that still didn't mean that we went along willingly.

The cold stone beneath our feet was shaped in such a way to where it was virtually impossible to become comfortable. Unlike in Ruks's jail, this one is obviously rarely used. I guess only high-profile prisoners would be kept here after all. Looking at the crystals that illuminated the room, that's probably the case.

I leaned against the metal bars that were made of a black metal. Their strength was surprising to me, but I would still be able to bend and break them if I chose. If I recall correctly, this is Orichalcum.

"Tell me about it." Tael sat down on the top bunk bed.