This Hero Is Shown The Mint!

Stunned and unsure of what to say to the utterly absurd train of logic that Igvin Terni Calesti has been spouting, we stared at the noble while he rose up from his chair, causing the wood to creak loudly underneath his impressive weight.

"Now," He began to waddle over to the teleportation pad in the corner of the room. "The first thing that shall happen is that I will show you around the city. I will show you what this place is REALLY like, unlike the spic and span world that the emperor has decided to allow you to see."

"T-That's okay, we-" I began.

"And I know it's okay! Thank you for the reassurance, Kenji Fujima! Your kindness is commendable!" He snapped his fingers which caused a small portal to appear over the teleportation platform.

"Please, follow me. We shall go to the mint!"