Winter's Savior

KIHO was frustrated.

Winter's body was burning hot and he could sense that the heat was coming from his heart. But no matter how much of his ice Mana he used, his son's body temperature wasn't going down. And poor Winter was still whimpering in pain.

His son said that he felt like his heart was being roasted by a hot flame.

"I will freeze Winter like how I did when he was born," Kiho declared, then he turned to who was kneeling beside him while wiping off the beads of sweat on their son's forehead. "It will stabilize his temperature and hopefully, freeze the burning sensation in his chest."

To be honest, that technique was dangerous.

But since Winter's dominant Mana was ice, he was hoping that it would work the way that it did last time. Now that his memories were back, he was more confident with his abilities. Still, he wanted to be careful because this was the first time that Winter had begun his transformation as the Moon Serpent.