Damned Connection

TILLY was sure all the traces of the Hellfire burning Kiho's insides were gone.

Hence, she couldn't understand why her husband suddenly seemed to be in a trance. She couldn't even think of what might have triggered it.

[Or maybe it's a side effect?]

"Luna, can you check if the Hellfire is still burning the insides of my husband?" Tilly asked the witch carefully without tearing her gaze off of Kiho. "Clearly, he's not acting himself at the moment. Does it have to do with the flame that almost melted his Core?"

"I can assure you that the Hellfire has been completely extinguished, Tilly," Luna said, her eyes glowing while inspecting Kiho from head to toe. "It's not burning His Grace's insides anymore. Moreover, since the duke is a Beast God, his body has now begun treating his internal injuries."