Celestial White Dragon

Arriving at Aydrate Benua, Aizen and the girls proceeded with their agenda according to plan. Apart from playing for fun, the exploration of valuable and useful resources was also carried out.

All of them deliberately avoided the existence of cultivators at that time for personal reasons, until they finally finished exploring and plundering rich places on the continent that had not been explored by cultivators yet.

Didn't want to be greedy as if to colonize or plunder resources without caring about the world, they left the resource with spirit energy still in place.

Imperceptibly, six days had passed since the time they first set foot on the western continent, a week since they started exploring the world that started from an edge in the north pole.

That day was so beautiful and bright, it matched the mood of Aizen, Ana, and Axel so well because Bella had finished being configured into a new unit, a large white dragon unit about to woke up.