
Xiao Nan was surprised to discover that their house is quite good, it seems that they are not really poor from the start, their house is also neat and clean inside out.

Xiao Nan sits on a soft sofa, he is inquiring more info from this brother and sister. Yecao Mao is already 15 years old, perfect for him, while Yecao Shu is only 12 years old, but he is a boy. Yecao Xin, their father is a B class Hunter when suddenly they were ambush on their way home.

He was able to defend his life from his foes, but he receives severed wounds with a potent poison and that was 2 years ago. They try to hire an alchemist to cure their father but some of the alchemists only use them as a money machine. In the end no one able to cure him.

("I see so that's why they reduce to this state, but I really do admire their father tenaciousness, being alive for two years with a potent venom? I'm doubting now that I can help him." ) He thought, then the scent of a lady after taking her bath punch on his nose. When he looks at his side Megui holding a teacup to serve him, he also notices that her hair is still wet.

"Thank you, you trouble your self madam." Xiao Nan said, " let me examine the patient's first" He added.

"I do apologize, young master, for serving you an ordinary tea, this is the only we got right now." She said.

"Oh! no, no, it's not what you think madam, even if it's a spiritual tea that you served I will say the same words." Xiao Nan explains to her.


When he enters the room, the smell of drugs, poison, and rotting flesh mixed in the air, it almost makes him puke. In the room, he is staring at the man lying in bed. Almost no flesh only skin and bones and also his hair turns white, but the man still breathing and fighting the god of death to be alive.

When Xiao Nan came out of the room, the trio is waiting for him. They are waiting and hoping that he can cure him, "How is it? young master" Megui nervously asks.

"I didn't know that this was already too severe, to be honest! It's a miracle that he is still alive." His honest response to them. "I..." He just wants to say I'm sorry but the system cut off him.

[ There still a way to help him, the problem now is he didn't have enough vitality, He probably has skills that grant him power by sacrificing his vitality. However, you are overflowing with it, because of your body. You can transfer some vitality to him and he will wake up in no time if you want, hehe ] The evil laugh of the system.

(" I get what you mean, damn! you also know how to scheme!) Exclaimed by Xiao Nan on his mind.

[ Of course! This is my pleasure your talking.]

"I will be honest with you, there is nothing I can do with the poison, for now, it's too potent, I need to acquire rare herbs to counter it. But for him to be able to wake up again, I can. However, it takes time for at least a week. But..." Xiao Nan pauses his last word.

"Shu'er! bring the spiritual ginseng we found in the forest, we need to use it as our payment. Make sure no one will see you so that they can't snatch it from you." Order by Megui to her son.

"Don't worry mother! I will protect it with my life" Shu said with his serious face, then he went out of their house.

Xiao Nan also noticed Megui communicating with her daughter using her eyes. Mao looks down with her face is blushing. Xiao Nan already know what Megui wanted to do, she wanted to try to seduce him but she is having a second thought. She is mature for a young guy like me, she's afraid that if she tries she might offend me. So she tries to ask her daughter but she is too shy since she didn't have any sexual experience.

"Spiritual Ginseng! Then what a good price! Let me start." He exclaimed then move inside again the room to begin his play, Xiao Nan sprinkled a little bit of his vitality on Yecao Xin's body. Then some of his hair return to black (" Spiritual Ginseng my ass! Lying to this daddy? then let me punish you") He thought, Xiao Nan also know that it was an act to test him. who is crazy to believe that you would order the boy to carry gold that will walk in the middle of the goons!

However, Xiao Nan rides their trip, after an hour doing nothing inside aside from sprinkled a little bit of his vitality he came out. " Great! it really works! Some of his hairs return to black!." When they heard Xiao Nan words they quickly run inside to confirm.

"It really is!..." Exclaimed by Megui, Mao, and Shu also surprise. This is the first time they found progress in curing their father, at the same time, they're countenance turn pale when they think what they did.

They were still doubting Xiao Nan's status before, they also think it is impossible for a young man to be a High tier Alchemist. One of their thought is a scheme of Manager Wang, you can't blame them, a lot of alchemists they were hired before used the same time tricks.

When they got out of the room, they saw Xiao Nan sitting on a sofa drinking the ordinary tea. Their body trembled by fear, the fear of offending a real High Tier Alchemist, and the fear of losing him because of what they did, especially when Xiao Nan said that he can't wait to taste the spiritual ginseng.

Xiao Nan acted that he just noticed that there is really no Ginseng, for that he pretends that he is in rage. Xiao Nan stood and acted to leave.

The trio quickly kneeled down and try to kowtow for forgiveness, however, before their heads bang on the floor, Xiao Nan shouted. "Stop!! Stay on your position!." They now remained on kneeling and crying, contrite of their action.

"Please! Young Master! We just did it because there is really nothing we can offer for your service, We are willing to be your slaves! If my husband dies our life will become worse than a slave." Megui said.

"Young master please, heed our plead! We are willing to do anything!" Mao said.

"I'm willing to be your slave as well young master, many bandits eyeing to us, once my father dies our little connection to the Hunters Guild will null. I'm sure they will going to take us away and sold everywhere and die without seeing my mom and sister again." She explained, Xiao Nan knows that they were not lying to him now.

"Slaves? I don't need them! But there is something I would like to do, your name is Shu, right?... Go to your room and don't come out as long as I say. Clear!? and remain on kneeling until my rage subsides Xiao Nan said while still pretending in rage.

"Yes, young master, right away!" Shu quickly stood up and heed Xiao Nan, he's afraid to add up another problem. ("That's perfect! I know this is too wrong! But I'm not a hero.")

Xiao Nan back to his sit and stare at the two girls kneeling. "Come, eliminate my anger by pleasure using your mouth."