Hidden Abilities

Xiao Nan is now lying on his own bed, he refused to sleep at Megui's house and went back to their home. While lying down he was hoping that he can get awesome rewards.

[ Why don't you visit a brothel to complete your quest? I'm confident with your status now, you... ] The system rang on his mind.

Xiao Nan cuts off the system words,

"Oh, hey, it's been a while, visiting a brothel is a good idea, but I'll think about it."

The system did not speak again, "I'll just need to wait for Patriarch Li then I will heal Yecao Xin, I'm sure I already completed one of my quests at that time." He added.

[ So what would happen to those girls? ] Asked by the system.

"You know what's my real objective here, right? I cannot bring them everywhere, but I will not forget them, if there's a chance in the future I can come here and secretly fuck them." He replied.

[ Good answer, they had their feelings too you know, and leaving them is inappropriate. Very well, you've unlocked one of the system's hidden abilities, Teleport.]

"Wow! That's awesome! So how's it works." He curiously asked.

[ You can access the system map, there you can manually select the place or just say the place you wanted to visit. But you can only visit the place you've visited and only you can access it. Happy?] Explained by the system.

"Hahaha! Nice! Thanks, system!" He said before he sleeps.


It's already morning and at the restaurant entrance, Megui, Mao, and Li Jiao, Shu is in the sect right now. Li Jiao is one of the best warriors of the Li Clan, she was here as Patriarch Li's request to invite him over to Li Clan mansion and Patriarch Li already told her that Xiao Nan is a pervert then if he wanted to fuck her, she must not complain about it.

Li Jiao body is also stunning with her blue hair, soft and white skin, red lips, slender body, even though she emits a killing aura, her scents make you fantasize about her. In fact in the Li Clan, she is one of the goddesses and had many admirers. But she is only an outer branch family that is why her status in the clan is not so good as the main branch offspring

They were surprised when abruptly a voice rang behind them, it was Xiao Nan, he was already behind them without noticing that he came in already. "Hey! Wazzup!"

"Ehhh! Master! How did you...?" Exclaimed by the Magui and Mao. " Oh! I almost forgot! Master, she is Li Jiao" While pointing the girl beside them. "She was chosen by Patriarch to escort you to Li Clan." She added.

"Why would I visit the Li Clan?" He replied to Megui.

"It's because this is Patriarch Li's order! Ants should not question a dragon's words" This time it is Li Jiao who spoke. She is irritated to Xiao Nan, She didn't know why their patriarch told her to be respectful to this faggot. She even intimidates Xiao Nan by leaking her killing intent.

"Oh!? Threatening me? what if I say I will not engage with your patriarch anymore. Will you kill me? is the Li Clan already strong enough to disregard the golden rule that no one should bully an Alchemist" By these words, he showed his emblem as a high tier alchemist. That rattled Li Jiao.

("Oh, no! What have I done!? Patriarch no! The Li Clan will not forgive me! They will kill my family without closing their eyes!") She exclaimed on her mind. " I do apologize, alchemist master. Please pardon this ignorance of mine."

"Sigh... Offending an alchemist is a serious crime, but I will let this slide away. Just tell your Patriarch he can't control me and our deal is off, I will not give him a chance to evaluate his daughter to be my disciple." Xiao Nan turned around and returns to his room along with Megui and Mao who pinched him while chuckling and leaving Li Jiao in a blank state.

Li Jiao thought that he can shake this young man since he didn't have any background but what she didn't know this young man had an unfathomable status. She was blaming herself for being too authoritative and contrite with it. He remembered that Xiao Nan is a pervert so she resolved to do anything even if the price is her body.

Inside the room, Xiao Nan is testing Mao's knowledge about alchemy. Even though he knows Mao's aptitude he was still surprised, "I'm impressed, alright, what I'm gonna teach you now is about how to condense your own fire in your dantian. You know that I'm not going to stay here in my lifetime." When he said these words, Megui and Mao felt sad, they already know this fact but it still hard to accept.

When Xiao Nan saw their countenance he quickly explains, "Even though, I'm not going to stay here, I will be visiting you from time to time to fuck you two again. Hehehe"

"Really? then how... ?" When they saw Xiao Nan countenance was frowning. "I do apologize again, master, I'm doubting your words again," Megui said.

"Sigh... This is the second time, I hope there would be no next time or else let's forget everything that happened." He said in a cold tone of voice, he was just a little annoyed.

When Mao and Megui heard what Xiao Nan had said, they quickly move towards him like a dog who made a mess. "Master, we promise to you we will be good girls" Their tears are now falling. They both kneel down to his sides, Mao is at his left and Megui is at his right.

Megui is rubbing his dick while Mao is on his balls. He reaches their heads and caressed it. "You two are always good girls." He said.

"I promise it won't happen again," Megui said then she tried to pull down his pants to suck his cock but Xiao Nan stops her, "Not now my girl, I do have another bad girl that needs to be punished, hehehe, Just give me that oil you have."